Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Congratulations Taylor and Megan!!

I'll give you a quarter!
Last night brought back a flood of memories as my daughter rubbed my feet!! I didn't even ask her to she wanted to pamper her mommy! My mother would offer us kids a quarter if we would rub her feet. I personally would get suckered in every time. I had motive, back then a quarter could get you 2 Airheads and 5 pieces of bubble gum from the corner drug store. I am referring to an old drug store in Lebanon, IL! What a great place.
Lawson actually did a great job and I didn't have to give her a quarter! Once she wises up I am sure I will have to offer her a dollar!
Monday, October 22, 2007
A "Little Maridith"
One night last week Lawson was having trouble going to sleep. After about 1 hour of trying to get her into bed she comes up to me and says "Mommy my tummy hurts" I asked her if she had a tummy ache she said with an painful look on her face while holding her belly, she said "No, baby brother is kicking." I about fell out of the chair laughing. I couldn't help it!
This morning Lawson woke me up. As she was opening up my door she sweetly said "good morning mommy. It is time to wake up. Did you sleep well?" What an angel!
This weekend we went to a Halloween Party and she had a great time. She dressed up as an NCSU Cheerleader. I don't want to brag but I think her dressing up gave NCSU the luck they needed. We got our first Division 1 win, on the road since 2005!! That is a long time!
Hope everyone had a nice weekend! No pictures today.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hill Ridge Farms
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fireman's Picnic
This weekend we went to the Fireman's Picnic. Lawson was so excited to see the firetrucks up close. Lawson loves to sing a song about Firetrucks. The song has this silly tune to it and I have caught myself on more then one occasion singing it to myself!
Baby Update: Baby Fitts or "Baby Brother" as Lawson refers to him seems to be doing great. I swear on Thursday morning I woke up I could tell I had gotten bigger. I am now 27 weeks. 13 weeks to go! I think I am in my 3rd trimester now. Don't quote me. I have been really bad about reading books about pregnancy and "what to expect" because I don't have time. I am happy to report that Collins and I have decided on a name. We are going to keep it to ourselves for a while to make sure it "Fitts" but I am sure it is a keeper.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Old verses New!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I love the Fall!
This weekend we went to Pullen Park with Nana and Dah. It was so much fun. I am pretty sure we had just as much fun as Lawson did. The weather was perfect! She loves riding on the train. I think if we would let he she would stay on it all day!
In Lawson news: Lawson "asked" to sleep in her big girl room last night and slept the entire night there. I haven't forced or even mentioned to Lawson to sleep in her new room. I figured when she was ready she would ask and sure enough she did! Then when I woke her up this morning she turned to me and said half awake "mommy I'm dry." Sure enough my big girl was completely dry. She is potty trained and can make it through naptime, but night time has been a different story. I am not going to throw-away the pull-ups yet but I could tell she was so proud of herself! Lawson is 2 years old and 4 months and sometimes I think she acts like a 4yr old. They grow up too fast!