Thursday, December 27, 2007
A little Blue Suprise!!
I know this is random but I have to tell you what I found last night. I noticed something blue in Lawson's left ear. I asked her what she stuck in her ear and she said "nothing" So with closer examination I realized it was one of her tubes!! (Lawson had tubes put in her ears at 14 months because of constant fluid in her ears) Then yesterday it just showed up! How crazy is that?? Am I weird but I put it in a plastic bag and put it in her keepsake box? Let's just pray that we don't have lots of ear infections and they need replacing. That would be the pits!!!
Christmas Day
Merry Christmas from the Fitts Family!!
This years Christmas was so exciting. Lawson could not wait to see what Santa had brought her. She would tell you Santa comes down the chimney and brings Lawson toys. You ask her what she wanted Santa to bring her and she would say "A Computer" No joke!! So of course, Santa brought her the LeapFrog My first Computer! She loved it. She doesn't know quite how to work it but she gets an A for Effort. Here are some pictures of our Christmas.
Lawson waiting to come down the stairs Christmas Morning!
A computer from Santa and a cool Purple Backpack!!
This is fun!! Thank you! Pops and Grammy
What a sweet Christmas Picture! Lawson loves her Grammy and Pops!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Kenna Christmas in VA
Christmas Eve 2007
Lawson and Grammy made sugar cookies and they were extra yummy because Lawson licked the spoon!! Lawson loved putting all of the ingredients in the bowl and cutting out the cookies! She did an excellent job.
In the mean time, Pops, Daddy and Taylor were busy putting Lawson's play yard together for her. It was a labor of love. The instructions say will take 2 skilled workers 16 hours!! Oh my!!! Believe it or not they got most of it done by Christmas evening. The swing arm is not installed yet but we have to get a tree stump removed!! Thank you to Pops, Daddy and Taylor for working so hard on this project!!! Thank you to Grammy and Pops for Lawson's Christmas gift!! Lawson and Baby Fitts are going to love this play yard for many years to come.
Baby update: Christmas day I am 38 weeks. No sign of an early arrival. I am still going strong. I feel really good and believe it or not I am not too tired! This baby energy is good stuff. Lawson loves to kiss my belly. I finally got a picture of the two!! So sweet!
Gautier Christmas Dinner

On Saturday, Collins and I hosted the annual Gautier Christmas Dinner at our home. This is Collins mother's siblings (6 kids) and family. If everyone could of attended it would have been more like 50 but we had 25 people eating lunch in our home. We had a wonderful time!! Our first fear was Collins and I would not be in attendance because Baby Fitts would make an early appearance, but that didn't happen. The other fear was how to feed 25 people in our home, since it was a sit down dinner. Everything came together and I think everyone enjoyed themselves!! We did have one hick-up 15 minutes before the first guest arrived. Someone set a Pyrex dish full of stuffing on a hot stove and it shattered everywhere!!! Luckily no one was hurt!! I had no idea Pyrex could break into so many pieces!!! So there was only a small helping of stuffing but I don't think anyone noticed! 
Lawson got to play for the first time some of her second cousins and they had so much fun!!

Lawson got to play for the first time some of her second cousins and they had so much fun!!

This is our living room waiting for the guest!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas with Nana and Dah
This weekend Nana and Dah (Maridith's Parents) came down to celebrate Christmas with us. We had a wonderful weekend together and a productive weekend (The Baby has a room to sleep in now!) The big news on Lawson's end was she got a kitchen set from Nana and Dah and was speechless for at least 3 minutes!! That has got to be a Lawson first! Of course, all of the presents after that were a blur but the kitchen set was a hit. She played in there for a long time and I finally talked her into taking a nap but she told me "don't touch my kitchen!" I thought to myself - Have no fear Lawson I barely want to touch the grown-up kitchen let alone a kid's kitchen. Although I have to say these little kitchens are pretty cool. It even has an ice maker that spits out ice! The thing I am most thrilled about is I think she will be able to entertain herself for a while, that will be priceless when the baby gets here!! Thank you Nana and Dah for everything!
Here are some pictures from the weekend.
Lawson very surprised to see a kitchen set in her living room!
Would you like some pizza? It is nice an hot!
Nana feel asleep in Lawson's bed!! Too cute. (I am in trouble for posting this one!)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
80 Degrees in December!
What is wrong with this picture? No it isn't the red eye and no it isn't the mouth full of food. It is the fact that Lawson is wearing summer clothes in front of the Christmas tree in DECEMBER!! This weather is crazy! Lawson loves to dress her self now and when she got home on Monday she told me it was too hot for pants. She rummaged through a bag of clothes to go to goodwill and found this. At least it matched and at least she was comfortable.
36 week update: I am doing good. No signs that Baby Fitts will make an early entrance. When I went to the doctors they just checked my weight, size of my belly and listened to his heart rate. I thought they took more stats at this point but I guess I was wrong. So I will give you a better update next week.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Mommy's Little Helper
Lawson loves to help mommy. I have to admit that I have put her young little legs to help me get things from upstairs. Put her to work and she truly is happy and stays out of trouble-for the most part! I did catch her cleaning the toilet this morning, and I draw the line there!! Anyway, this weekend we made one of my dad's favorite breakfasts called "Daddy's Deal" and here she is stirring the bowl. She is going to be such a good helper when the baby gets here.
I have to tell you a funny story from last night. I was upstairs doing laundry and Lawson was downstairs having a snack and the phone rang. I decided I was not going to answer it so I didn't even go look for the phone to see who it might of been. Just as that thought passed through my mind Lawson yells, "don't worry its nobody!" Sure enough when I looked at the phone- it was nobody but a telemarketer!
Meet Denny- The Elf on the Shelf
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Preparing for Christmas
Lawson watching the Parade!!
Whew! We had a busy weekend getting prepared for Christmas. We went to the Garner Christmas Parade and got in the Christmas spirit. Then we picked out our Christmas tree from the Pop 'n Son Tree Farm. Then decorated the house! We had such a good time. Lawson gets the concept of Santa Clause this year so the Magic of Christmas is alive in our home. It is so much fun!! It reminds me so much of all of my wonderful Christmas's as a child.
We decided to let Lawson help us hang up ornaments and I really didn't stop her from handling any of the ornaments. To our surprise -no ornaments were broken!! There were a couple of times she would get so excited to hang up an ornament I was sure she was going to do a face plant in the tree but everything survived! She would say "oh this one is special" or "mommy this one is from your year" To see the glow and the excitement in her eye almost made me cry. I am not sure if it is all of the hormones or the fact I am so excited for her! This time truly feels so magical.
Baby update: I am now 35 weeks along and doing good. I am right on schedule so we are praying Baby Fitts waits until after Christmas to make his entrance. It is a little harder to get around, I have gained 31lbs to date but the doctors are fine with it. I gained 41 with Lawson so I feel like I am doing good so far. Lawson is still very excited about Baby Brother!! She knows his name but refuses to say it. She will say his name is Tiny Baby Brother! I hope that doesn't stick. For some odd reason when he is 6'5" and she is 6' I don't think that will be acceptable!
Daddy Looks Like a Tree!
For those of you who don't know Lawson's Daddy loves to hunt. If you don't agree with hunting please do not read any further. Collins has had a good year so far and has gotten a 4-pointer (deer) and several ducks. Lawson thinks her daddy looks extra silly in all of his camo gear. She tells him "Daddy you are a silly goose, you look like a tree."
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