Please refer to me as 'Grace' and my daughter a 'Little Grace.' Today I got a call from daycare saying Lawson had taken a hard fall and hit her ear. They said she was crying really bad but the cut didn't appear too deep. I won't get into all of the details but when I arrived there her ear was twice the size it normally should be and the cut was about 1" long on the backside of her ear. Believe it or not I didn't panic. I thought very logically and
decisively. (it is amazing how you can get in gear when there is a slight emergency.) Here were the problems-- Problem #1 Solved- Lawson needed
stitches or glue so we were going to the ER or
Urgent care. Problem #2 Solved- Collins is out of town and I didn't want to take Wes to the nasty ER. So I asked one of the teachers to come over after work and babysit. So off we went to the Urgent Care- first time ever!!
Lawson was a model patient. We were there for 2 hours. When we finally saw the doctor she never cried or even flinched while the doctor was gluing her up!!! The cut was deep enough to show
cartilage so it was a good thing I took her. Her ear is pretty swolllen and black and blue but she will be okay.
She woke up a couple of times complaining about her ear. Wes must of been worried as well because in between Lawson waking up he woke up!! He normally sleeps through the night So it was a sleepless night for mommy!! Lawson is still asleep now (8:30am) so at least she is getting some much needed rest.
Gotta go- I hear bottom action from Wes!! Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!