Why put one in your hair when you can put 3 hair bows in your hair?

This weekend Collins went to Birmingham, AL to be in a friends wedding. While Collins was gone Nana and Dah came down to visit (help me) with 2 kids. Earlier in the week Lawson was informed that Nana and Dah wanted to take her shopping. Lawson told Nana on the phone "I want purple pants, they are my favorite" All week all I heard “Nana is buying me purple pants.” So Saturday we were on a mission for purple pants. Have no fear we were successful in finding the purple pants. Our simple mission led too much much more. We went shopping for 4 hours and everyone behaved!! Like a typical female Lawson loves shopping and like a typical male Wes slept the whole entire time. Grandparents are wonderful for spoiling grand kids! Lawson’s favorite thing was the new pajamas she picked out. As soon as we got home she changed into her new pj's along with her new underwear and new sunglasses all pink. She was crazy in pink!!! She was also crazy tired so Nana and Dah got enjoy the pleasantries of a 2 year old. Mom reassured me “you were just like her Maridith, enjoy!!” I am not sure if that is reassuring or just plain scary!!
We did get to enjoy many laughs. Lawson was the victim of being in the right place at the wrong time and Wes spit up all over her. We are talking projectile amounts! Lawson wasn't too thrilled but she got over it pretty quickly. The best part was we caught it on film. I don’t know how to do video clips but once I do I will post it. It was hilarious.
We had a wonderful weekend. Thank you Nana and Dah!
Can't wait to see the video! Maybe you could send it to America's funniest videos and win some serious cash! I'm a goof, i know, but i like that show - something always cracks me up!
Anyway, sounds like you had a great weekend. I did, too - Mom came up to visit and so we had a chnace to chat and have fun together. It will be my turn to go to NC next time - hope to see you before May. Take care and keep posting pics of your adorable kids!
We treasure the time we get to spend with our kids and grandkids. It was a great weekend. Wes is on his way to becoming a great pilot (and a terrific little brother). What he did we would call a "shack" or in layman's terms - bullseye!
Hey girl! I LOVE the new layout...teach me how!!!
Your family is so beautiful! I can't believe we are parents! Seems like yesterday we were ordering drinks at Applebees hoping NOT to be carded!!
Lawson sounds like a real character!
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