When we brought Wes home he completed our family. Collins and I are so blessed that God gave us our beautiful son!!

Wes is a man of 8's. He was born within 8 minutes of pushing, on the 8th of 2008, at 9:38am, and weighed 8 lbs 8 oz. I think 8 might be his lucky number! So I am going to tell you 8 things that Wes is doing today on his first birthday...
1. Wes is starting to walk. Everyday he gets stronger and braver!
2. We are off of formula and bottles (bye-bye)
3. Wes is really starting to communicate with pointing rather then grunting or yelling (thank you!)
4. Wes loves laughing with/at his big sister!
5. He is a meat and potatoes type of guy!! There has not been one type of meat he won't eat, crazy!!
6. Wes loves throwing things, In his mind if it is not nailed down it is suppose to be thrown, right?
7. Wes has been a habitual waker-upper at night. I think we are on the verge of breaking him of this habit (thank you!)
8. Wes has 7 teeth with 1 on the way
I really could write a lot more (he loves balls, putting things in and out of containers, putting the proper lids on containers, climbing the steps, and knows some sign language) but I will stop here since I said eight things. hehe!!
Nothing melts my heart faster then seeing his adorable smile!!
Happy 1st Birthday Wesley!! We look forward to all of the wonderful and neat things you are going to learn this coming year!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! You know I love the 8's and what a great list and adorable pictures.
Happy Birthday cutie pie! i can't wait to meet you in person one day!
8 has always been one of my favorite numbers, too. don't know why! XOXO, Charlotte
Happy Birthday Wes!
Happy Birthday to WESLEY! I remember this day a year ago so well. What wonderful memories I have meeting this precious child. I look forward to making many more.
Happy Birthday big guy! You will be as big or bigger than me someday. Keep eating all that meat!!!:)
Wonderful insight for a first birthday..hope Wes will realize what a lucky boy he is to be in the Fitts Happens Family!!
Give him a kiss for me...and a chicken leg!!
Love you,
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