Guess who I went to visit last week???

Lauren and McKenna are currently in SC with her MIL while Will is in training in GA. So we decided to pay them a visit during the kids’ Spring Break. Of course, hubby does not get a spring break so that meant “Momma was flying solo.” The drive is normally about 3 hours and it was about an hour into the trip when Cailyn started wailing that I thought “I might of bitten off more then I can chew, hello, she is only 2.5 months old.” But we made it down there and I couldn’t of been happier to be there. I decided a trips length can be lengthen 30 minutes per child and if you decide to eat cabbage the night before add an hour for the one being nursed…ugh!! Lesson learned.
When we got there we were outside and enjoying the beautiful scenery. All Wesley wanted to do was go to the lake and see the fish!!

Then Paula let the kids ride and drive Big Red. Paula was so sweet and took them on many rides and had them digging for rocks as treasure.

The lake is still too cold for swimming so we got out the bucket for water fun. The kids had a blast!! It doesn’t take much!!


These pictures crack me up!!

Then after nap McKenna came out to enjoy the fun. She thought the kids were crazy!

Paula reminded us that she had a princess castle swimming pool so we got out that castle!! Lawson just LOVED IT!

Wesley enjoyed jumping in!! He has no fear!

Look at the two girls!!

Wesley found a Lizard that was talking to him. So cool!!

The next day we went to a local town called Camden and went out to lunch. This is how Wesley went out…too cute to say no!

Here we all are 4 kids and 2 adults… Lauren has the right idea.

Here is the other side of the table with me…

Lauren and McKenna and me after nursing Cailyn. I did A LOT of nursing in the car…I am an old pro now!!

While I was traveling in SC, Lawson was chilling in Paula’s car watching a movie and McKenna tried her best to get her attention! Wesley in my car enjoying the ride…without a tv.

Here are two of my favorite girls!!!

Aunt Lauren with Cailyn on the dock.

Paula and Wesley having a serious conversation!!

Wesley’s favorite time was being near the water. We were there EARLY almost every morning.

Wes with Ben and the neighbor’s dogs.

Here I am with Cailyn….she enjoyed being near the water too. Can you tell?

Look at Miss Sunshine!! Enjoying some sand!!

After 3.5 days it was time to come home and get ready for Easter. The trip ride home was much easier despite the rain and has not discouraged me from traveling again with the children. It was a great trip and honestly I gave myself a huge pat on the back once we arrived home. Wow, I really can do anything I put my mind too. Of course it helps to have help at the end of the line so you are not doing everything by yourself (thanks Lauren.)
We had such a wonderful time with my sister, Paula, and McKenna. It is always such a relaxing time at the lake. Thank you again Paula for opening your home to the 4 of us!! Lauren as always you are the best!! I love you ladies!! Hope to see you all soon!!