My sweet baby girl is 3 months old! I am still at the stage where I could stare at her all day and soak up all of her cuteness. She is just perfect in my eyes!! At the end of a long day with the kids she refuels me with her amazing smiles.
A couple new things Cailyn is doing these days…
1. She has found her hands and they are oh so interesting.
2. She is reaching for things. I have a great picture of this but it is on my sister’s camera
3. VERY IMPORTANT: On April 12th @ 10 weeks Cailyn slept through the night for the first time. Yahoo!!! She sleeps through the night pretty regularly now. Her schedule is 9PM-6AM (Can’t ask for anything better)
4. The girl is seriously trying to sit up and I seriously push her back down. I did break out the Bumbo for her and she seems content in that for 10-15 minutes.
5. Cailyn is a talker. I will post a video tomorrow of her talking. She oohs and awes for us all the time. It is so cute!!
On a little bit of a serious note I will write about something that happened this week. This is for my memory (remember this is my scrapbook) so I feel it needs to be documented. Plus, I would only write this if everything was okay and I assure you everyone is okay.
Tuesday at 7AM, I fell on the last stair of my staircase and inadvertently dropped Cailyn. I truly took the brunt of the fall and when I hit the floor onto my back Cailyn bounced out of my arms. It was the most terrifying moment. Cailyn was wailing, the kids witnessed the whole thing so they were crying and when I could not console her tears fast enough (for me) I was crying. The first person I called was my sister to ask her what to look for. (The reason my sister went to nursing school is to be my personal nurse, haha). Cailyn at this point had stopped crying and started smiling at us but I wanted to be double sure she was okay. Then I called my doctor who assured me that she was probably fine but to come in. I wanted to make sure it was okay for Cailyn to fall asleep in the car and stuff like that. Got there after dropping off all the other kids and Cailyn was smiling, checking out her hands and just being an angel. They assured me that kids are much tougher then we give them credit. I felt a little bit better but oh so guilty for letting something like this happen. The doctor then said…”Mom, I think you need to worry about yourself” as my elbow was swollen as was my knee. I wasn’t going to worry about myself until I knew she was okay. We are all okay that is all that matters As far as the slick spot at the bottom of the stairs…I have a new non-slip rug!! AND I walk a lot more careful down the stairs!!
Because we went to the doctors @ 3 months with clothes Cailyn weighs 11lbs 14oz.
Cailyn continues to be such an amazing and delightful child. We truly are so blessed!
I found a note in Lawson room today…
What is says…Cailyn is a good baby and I love her with all my heart!! Priceless!!
I'm so sorry that happened to you! But if it makes you feel any better, I've done something similar. I was carrying Hinton across the backyard, stepped in a hole and the next thing I knew we were both on the ground crying. I did my best to break his fall, but he did hit his head, which you can imagine scared me to death considering. Oh motherhood! It sure can be scary. Cailyn looks like a sweetie. Can she and Elsbeth be roomies at Meredith?
Melissa M.
So glad you and Cailyn are ok! People keep telling me, not to worry, babies are resiliant, so i'll be fine. I can't help but worry though that i'm going to drop her or that she'll fall out of something (and she ain't even here yet!). You can reassure me when we get there:)
I can't believe she's 3 months already! Such a sweet little girl. You are not alone...I fell in the garage with Anderson when he was 5 months. Very scary feeling...glad to hear she is ok. How are your knee and elbow?
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