Some great pictures of the night!
Cailyn turned 11months old on the 31st and was the first to bed too!!! Nighty-night baby!!!
Then once the baby was in bed it was Oyster time!! One of the highlights for many!!
These were some yummy oysters this year!!!
The kids…wow, the kids had a great time. Here is Wesley and his sweet girlfriend, Katie!!
Lots of babies!!!
Lawson and some of her friends!
Then one of the highlights for me was my best MC buds were all at MY HOUSE!!! How crazy is that??? I am so lucky to rock in the new year with my best girls!!
One of our guests got here asleep and stayed asleep…isn’t that crazy???
Then others just passed out…I don’t think it was the punch! (I don’t think!!)
Even Wesley passed out. My big boy still wants his mommy!!!
Soon after we brought in the New Year everyone left.
My clean up crew was hard at work…..
Nana was sweet enough to put little guy to bed!!
Then the “after party” started!! Baker and Donna stayed with us for the evening. No matter how long we have been apart we always pick up like it there hasn’t been a 8 month gap!!
We goofed off by the fire pit!!!
I love these two!!!
And I love him even more!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Here is too a fabulous 2011 and best wishes for an even better 2012!!
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