Today was the day! Wesley’s first day of Pre-K was today Sept. 10th, 2012. It is amazing to believe this is his last year of preschool. I can’t think about that right now *Scarlett* I will think about that tomorrow.
If you don’t know, Wesley has a slight aversion to leaving the house. He just wants to be a hermit and stay home ALL. DAY. LONG! Getting him to leave is like pulling teeth. When I told him it was time to go it was painful, but not as painful as last week's meet the teacher. So things are looking up.
Here is my big boy getting ready for his first day. He looks so confident and handsome!! 
I just love this big boy!! Check out his new Spiderman lunchbox!!

Well we got to school and he was still looking confident. Like “ I can do this mom, don’t worry!” Me worry??? Never.

Then we got to his room…and he was holding on to me for dear life. The good news is he didn’t cry. I pretty much had to drop off and leave QUICKLY.

As I left I saw that Wesley was getting some extra hugs and he was in wonderful arms!!

When he got home he said he had a great day and he would go back tomorrow. haha! His favorite part of the day…Recess!!
As he shirt says “Pre-K Rocks!!”