Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cailyn is 22 months

Lordy, lordy Mrs. Glory where has the time gone??

Out baby girl is not quite a baby anymore and showing that us that she is a BIG GIRL!

Here are some pictures of Cailyn the past few months. 

Talking: She loves to jibber jab all the time here are a few words we have mastered.  Maw (me), Daddy, Wes, La-La (Lawson), go, bow, diaper, Nana, Gra (for Grammy), poo-poo, Gigi (her blanket), Dah, doggie, cookie (of course), chic-chic (chickens), girl and more I just can’t remember them all.

She can push toys forward now.  So stinking cute!!! She loves wearing hats/helmets.


Following her sister’s footsteps. We have another little girl addicted to HIGH HEEL Shoes!!

I love shoes

Cailyn might have been slightly delayed in pulling up and walking but she is showing us NO delay in her interest in being potty trained.  This might be TMI- but she did her first BM on the toilet Oct 31st (21mo)and has continued to tell us when she needs to go #2 and go on the potty (if I feel like it).  I will admit, I am not in as much “rush” as I was with the other kids to potty train so I will just hold off until she is at least 2. 


(Kenna Family- who does this remind you of?)

Of course, growing up there are a few growing pains.  We have now experienced timeout.  As you can tell, she is not a fan, however, she surprisingly did really well staying put and curving her temper tantrums after isolation. This little social butterfly does not like to be left out of anything!


We have had our fair share of oopsies!  When she found a pen and decided to color my couch AND her brother!!! Yet, he didn’t realize it was his job to tell her no!  Lovely. I did get the pen marks out for the most part thanks to rubbing alcohol.

Messes by cailyn


But seriously who could be mad at this face for long?


Our sweet Cailyn is growing by leaps and bounds everyday and teaching me a things or 20 along the way!!! Love you baby girl!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see her! Yes, she is just so stinkin cute! AND LOVING!!!