I love cereal!
This weekend we started Wes on Rice Cereal. He LOVED it!! He ate more then he probably should have at his first sitting (Friday, June 13th). It was like he was saying why have you been hold back on me???
Lawson reaction was priceless.... "Mommy what are you doing? Wes doesn't eat food he drinks from your boobie."
Moments Later- "mommy he is making a mess, LOOK, that is messy! He is Messy Wessy!"
This is the one nickname I do NOT want to catch on!! When I told my hair dresser what we were going to name our baby she said (as she will say anything) "oh, I knew a boy in jr high school named Wes and we called him Messy Wessy" Luckily Lawson hasn't repeated it but why is it that a 3 year old can come up with a Nickname so fast????
So my Angel is eating cereal now. I need to read up on what to feed him and when. I can't remember!!
Ok, Lawson's observations are hilariuos!
Lawson cracks me up. Good job Wes on the cereal. I've used this as a guideline on what to feed and how much...I couldn't find another chart I liked better.
Thanks E for the information!! That is very helpful!
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