Today we had our 'happy' visit at the dentist. It went perfect. Normally at the happy visit the doctor just looks at your mouth and counts their teeth. Lawson let them count her teeth (20 white shiny teeth) and clean them. I was very proud. All it took was the hygienist to give her some purple grape smelling gloves and she was in hog heaven. The only hickup we had was taking away the gloves at night time.
Amy (hygienist) explaining what she is going to do next

Hit me with your best shot... I'm not scared

Ms Hollywood (Lawson) doing the necessary prep work to stay beautiful

Dr Wingate talking to her about her finger sucking and helping her with her gloves

The visit was wonderful. I highly recommend Dr Wingate and her staff!! See you in another 6 months!
Great! Avery had hers about a month ago and the teeth cleaning was really easy and she let them floss her teeth too. But then they pulled out a scraper which kind of surprised me...b/c did they expect a 2 year old to still sit still and be cool with the scraper coming at them after sitting so patiently getting her teeth cleaned? Anyway, there was some protest, but all in all she did great! HA! Such cute pics with the gloves!
Good job Lawson! I think Amy is the hygienist I see. Love that the purple gloves were such a hit.
I love it! What a big brave girl!
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