I remembered I had a red evening gown tucked away (I knew my rear-end would never get back into thanks to birthing two children) that was perfect for this occasion. To tell you how old this dress is I made this dress my senior year in high school (year not to be disclosed).
So off we went to play dress up. Lawson was not too thrilled that I couldn't find any red shoes (sorry I am not that cool Lawson). But she loved it all the same since she got to wear mommy's jewelry. Oh how much fun it is to have a girl!!
Note to Mamma II we are going to hit up your closet I want my princess in a real crown soon!!!
You look fabulous in red!!
Next thing you know she is going to dress up Wes! Watch out buddy!
Let's see a picture of you in the same dress next to Lawson. See why we don't throw anything away?
(Don't answer that.) Love, Mom KK
How cute does she look?! I bet she is having a blast playing dress up! Now we need to find her some red shoes.
Love, L
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