This morning I was running around my house like a crazy person trying to get ready for our family, and ignoring my kids. It then hit me like a ton of bricks I had it all wrong. Thanksgiving is not about getting all the fingerprints off the windows and floors sparkling clean. It is the fingerprints on my windows that I am so thankful for, because I have two wonderful children who put them there. So I stopped cleaning played with my kids then when it was time, I tucked them into their beds for a nap and then cleaned (a little). With all that going through my head this morning I thought I would also sit down and reflect on what a wonderful year it has been.
I have so much to be thankful for. As my minister said if you have a house, cars, food on the table you are richer then 92% of the world! I love this time of year because I get a chance to really reflect on how blessed we are. My list really could be a mile long but I will just touch on a few.
- My wonderful husband. Who knows me too well and puts up with me (big job), who is supportive of my personal goals and really is my rock. I love you babe!
- My sister. I don't know what I would do without her. I talk to her almost everyday and she is my best friend
- My wonderful children. I love them so much it make my heart hurt thinking of how much I love them. I love their beautiful smiles and their unique personalities. It is hard to put into words how thankful I am that God blessed Collins and I with 2 beautiful healthy children!!
- My family. So unbelievable supportive! I am so lucky to have such a loving family. Family is the most important thing to Collins and I! I love you all so much.
- My friends. I am so blessed to have some of the greatest friends in the world. I don't get to see or talk to them as much as I would like, but my friends are so understanding and no matter how long it has been between our talks we can pick up were we left off.
Anne Murray- I am crying now while I write this!!)
- My loved ones who are no longer on earth but watching over for me and my loved ones. Thank you!! I do believe in angels!!
Okay the kids are up. Time to play again! My guests will be here soon so...
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!