Monday, April 20, 2009

Lucky Lady!!

I had share some of my good fortune from this weekend. Remember when I posted that I lost a diamond in my engagment ring??? Well, believe it or not, yesterday I found the diamond!!!

I found the diamond on Wesley's changing table under the pad!!

Here is the proof...

I will be making a trip to Bailey's Jewelry this week!! I am thinking I should buy a lottery ticket too. Seems to be my lucky week!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Wesley!

love Dah

Elizabeth said...


Lauren said...

I CAN'T believe it! How lucky it wasn't knocked off the table and sucked up by the vacuum!

I think you should go buy a lottery ticket!

Jennifer said...

I'm soooo glad you found it!

The Thompsons said...

My cousin lost her diamond out of her necklace for like 6 mos one summer...then one day her husband was sitting ina lawnchair and just happen to look down in the yard...something was sparkling...he found it...even after he had cut the grass several times!