Here are some pictures of our visitor. Lawson was SO EXCITED!!
Lawson really is such a nurturer!!
Watching Misty...
Wesley he just loved saying "hi, guiny pi, hi!!"
These guys were so gentle with her!!
This experience reminded me of when I had 2 Hamster (at two different times) lovingly called "Fluffy Cotton Kenna" and "Bandit" it is fun to have a creature, but I could tell the kids are NO WAY ready for an caged creature because the newness of Misty wore off by Saturday. I could totally see mommy (me) being stuck cleaning the cage. So with that revelation Thanks Mom and Dad for letting me have a hamster and cleaning out their cages when I got too busy to do it!!! You guys are the best!
They look so cute with Misty! Such a growing experience! Who do you think cleaned the gerbil cages, rabbit condo, bird cage, etc? Mommy!
So, I'm guessing no guinea pig for Christmas!?! Ha! :-)
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