Why am I going into all this…Wednesday I was in a funk. I could honestly say I might have been in and out of this funk for a couple of days, but Wednesday it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I was feeling overwhelmed with some of the commitments I have obligated myself too. My kids were getting on my very last nerve because things were not going the way I envisioned them to go. On top of that I felt like I was not being a good mom, a good person and things were not clicking in my household. Ever have those days??
By mid-afternoon I said a long prayer to the Lord asking for help getting myself out of this funk.
Well, God heard my hearts request. He knew exactly what I needed and when I needed it. All I can say is God is good.
1- I received in the mail 2 items addressed just to me. The first was a lovely card handwritten and filled with such thoughtfulness and love. It was just the things I needed to hear! I don’t know how she knew it but she did. God was truly sending me a message through her and I am SO GRATEFUL!! Thank you!
2- Then I received a package from the MOPS Organization. It was a book called Life on Planet Mom – a down-to-earth guide to your changing relationships. Uh, BINGO!! This is me, this is what I need. I really should be reading and not writing.
3- Finally, I spent the evening with a dear friend of mine and we went to Grief Share Meeting- Surviving the Holidays. It really did my heart good to go. Thanks for inviting me!
I am amazed God knew exactly what my heart needed. I am feeling so much better then I was yesterday or the day before. I am not sure if it is the time of year or just me, but God heard my heart and knew exactly what I needed even though I did not. I wish I could leave with a great passage from the Bible but I only know 1-2 by heart.
If you are wondering why I am telling you something so personal it is because I know that although it is not spoken we all have these days or moments. All I can say is pray, God is listening and he knows what your heart needs!!
Sounds like my latest blog on my blog page. I too was feeling overwhelmed...sorta still am. There is just too much going on. I'm glad to see you've found your peace. Your message is sincere : )
Your right we all have days like this. I am glad you are feeling better and received some nice surprises. God is good and he does know what we all can handle and need.
You're post has touched me and will probably touch other people who are feeling the same way. God is always listening. He is good and I'm glad you felt Him touch your heart.
I'm glad you are doing better and saw God in such a tangible way. You are right, we all definitely go through funks and need reminders that God is with us.
God is good! God won't give us more than HE can handle.
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