Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lawson's First Homework Assignment

Lawson has finally gotten her first homework assignment.  I was VERY excited when I saw it was be as creative as we you want to be.  Her assignment was to design a child cut out to look like you, use whatever material you would like except food.  I let Lawson have full use of all my artsy stuff and here is Lawson 2.

Lawson 2 - Freckles and all!!

Lawson designed this ALL by herself.  I helped with the tracing but she cut everything out, glued it and drew all the details.  What impressed me most (and I didn't get a picture but I showed it to my mom) is before we started this project Lawson drew on another paper the process in designing her doll.
First she drew the face & hair, the shirt, the skirt, the shoes, the bow in the hair, the belt, the necklace, etc.  You get the idea and we had to go in order.  She would cross it off as she went.  She is so organized and meticulous (she did not get that from me.)  I was so impressed on her work ethic too. 

Here is Lawson with her first Homework Assignment.  I am so proud.  Lawson 2 has a blue sticker for getting dressed so nicely...(my chart is working)
Lawson and Lawson 2

I should mention that Lawson knows she has brown hair and it is short but she wishes she had long blonde hair like a princess.  So Lawson 2 got the long blonde hair.  Is that normal to already wish for at age 5 something you don't have?? 

Yay! For Homework Assignments.  I know I wil not be saying that in a couple of years but for now they are exciting and fun. Or my projects. Haha!

Welcome Rain

This Sunday & Monday we got some much needed rain.  The kids were extra excited because Lawson just got some new rain boots and Wesley inherited all of Lawson's old rain gear.  Of course, we had to go out and give it a try! 

Dancing in the Rain!!

Wesley is not dancing just running...

 And ran...this was too much fun for a 2 year old boy.  He LOVED running and running in the rain.
Can you see he does not have his hat on anymore??

Lawson just loved being outside but stayed dry. 

Yep, they had fun!!

These pictures reminded me of the last time the kids played in the rain this summer. Of course, their Aunt Lauren is much cooler then me and played in the rain with them. 

No matter what age, playing in the rain is fun. 

Welcome rain!! Don't be such a stranger!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What moves around your house at night?

This Saturday morning we got a little surprise in our kitchen.  Of course, I am there to document this so all!  When I woke up Saturday, from the couch in the den (I move there sometimes at night when I am restless) I found a nice black trail coming from under the end table (next to my head) going to the length of the kitchen.

At the end of the trail I found this...

To me at 7AM it was a black blob that was not there the night before. I can handle bugs and spiders but a black unexplainable blob...I think not.

So what does any good wife do?  I wake up hubby to investigate.  Of course, the kids over hear and join in the excitement. 

My hero, Collins, picks up the black blob to find out it is a F-R-O-G!!  Can you say GROSS???

Wesley was hot on the trail and found lots of markings around the den and on Dah's computer which was on top of the hearth. 

Our best theory... A frog got in the house, and climbed into the fireplace.  He must of been up there a while and finally dropped down. (A little reminder we need to clean out our fireplace this year) Then hopped around the perimeter of the den. Have I mentioned before this was RIGHT NEXT TO ME???? Then hopped into the kitchen where he took his last breath. Yes, it was dead when we found it. 

Too much excitement for one Saturday morning!!

Despite the dead frog in the kitchen we were still able to enjoy Overnight Cinnamon Rolls I made.  Let me just tell you --DELICIOUS!!  I was very proud of my homemade rolls. First, attempt was a total success.

It is always interesting in this house!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week in Review

This is our 4th week of school (I think) for Lawson and our 2nd week of school for Wesley.  Somethings have gotten easier like me waking up so early, and other things still like to challenge us.  Like getting dressed. I am not going to go into all the horrible details just know I have been challenged like I have a teenage daughter.  This challenge has brought me to tears more then once and questioned all my of my motherly instincts.  However, with talking to several people we might of found a solution (or one that works for us right now.)  I have a "Lawson Dressing Chart" and for the last 2 days it has gone very welll.  I will admit I am not above bribery and someone is getting a piece (small) chocolate at 8AM but it is so much better then the alternative!! 

Wesley is LOVING school.  He loves his teacher and his friends.  His teacher did inform me he had quiet time yesterday and her exact word "You didn't tell me you had a yeller?"  my responce "I haven't really noticed." With a hint of sarcasism.  Maybe that is because I have gone deaf from the years of yelling.  So Welsey said all day "We use our words and we don't yell."  I have been telling that boy that same line for at least a year but it gets repeated when someone else says it?  Go figure.

Funny Stories Now:
Lawson asked me this week "Mommy do you like to dust?" 
Me: "No, why?" 
Lawson:  Because your house is really dusty and it is making me cough. Can you please dust?
I just got told by a 5 year old that I stink at cleaning.  NICE!!

We are FINALLY painting Wesley's room.  It has been a nice pee yellow with bone color trim for 5 years (this is the way it was when we moved in).  This week my wonderful hubby has been painting walls and trim for his son.  One morning Wesley walked in the room to see the progress and he said "This is gorgeous!! I LOVE it" 
If that doesn't make you feel good I don't know what will.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A New Season for Sister and Brother

Lawson is in school 5 days a week, Wesley is in school 3 days a week. Lawson takes Ice Skating on Monday nights and on Wednesday nights is Kingdom Kids at Church.  I am telling you all this because this is our current Fall Schedule.  It is a little crazy to go from having no schedule to a much fuller calender.  This means a lot less time at home.  I can think of a couple negative things about this BUT there is a brighter side...

When Lawson and Wesley spend time together they seem to really get along.  It has been quite a relief!!  It was getting a little bit ridiculous how much they were fighting & just picking on each other. My mom always told me it is Quality not Quantity...this holds true for siblings.

Right now it is Quality and not Quanity!! Can you see the love??
No prompting just Right time Right Place!!

Makes my heart sing!!

Seriously, they are getting along so well these days they are even sitting on the same side of the couch watching a movie. 
I am probably jinxing this, but at least I have proof of what was....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Schedule is catching up to us...

It means we have an extra tired little boy.

He was so tired today he asked to take a nap! (This NEVER happens)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Halfway There

I am 20 weeks.  I am halfway there to meeting Baby Girl #2.  Wow, times flies when you are having fun.  Things are going well and I am feeling well.  Actually, truth be told I now have 2nd trimester energy, if I knew how to I would probably build an addition to our home! I guess painting and baby bedding will have to do.
I did have a check-up last week and everything looks good.  Iron is borderline low (but that is typical for me.)  I have gained 8 lbs and at first this worried me but my doctor checked my records from the previous 2 and I had approximently the same weight gain at this point.  Why had this worried me...I gained 41lbs with Lawson and 38 lbs with Wesley so being halfway there I thought 8 lbs was a little low.  Apparently, I like to pack on the pounds in the last half of my pregnancy.  So bring on the food! 

No, we don't have a name although if you ask Lawson she has a name and she doesn't mind telling everyone. 

I guess that is it from here.  No pictures today...someone has already informed me that my face is "Pregnancy Face" it is nice to know my weight has gone to my face before my belly!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hi Wessy!

Wesley had a WONDERFUL first & second day of school.  I am happy to report everything for Wesley has gone so nicely.  He loves his teacher and get this she said he is the most helpful when it comes to cleaning up and listens well. She said "He is a blessing and is mature for his age." You could of picked my jaw off the floor- I was SO PROUD!!  Another clue he had a great day...he had a pretend conversation with his teacher on the phone tonight telling her "I love you Ms Sandra and I will see you tomorrow okay?"

So why is this titled "Hi Wessy?"  When he walked into the room a little girl got out of her chair and walked right over to Wesley and said "Hi Wessy."  Is that girl flirting with my son???? Little girl, I got my eyes on you!!!

Wesley might have the start of being a ladies man...but his good looks do not impress his sister at all...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wesley's First Day of Preschool

Today was a big day for Mr Wesley.  Wesley is now in the 2 year old room at preschool!  His first year of school.  Yippee!!  Here is my big guy all ready to go. 

My son of many a little put off by my requests for pictures.


Now we are done...

Wesley told me in the car "I am not going to cry mommy, okay!"  That is what I like to hear.  Then when we got there he started getting a little intimidated...

Once I got him in the room he had a full tantrum (no tears) just public display of "I am not happy."  Mother-of-the-Year takes a picture to remember this fabulous moment.  All the other mothers looked at me like I had 3 eyes. you not have a 2 year old too?

Then he saw they were playing with play-dough. He popped up and went right to his chair. 

Wesley never looked for me again.  I did get a kiss and a good-bye.
Despite his temper tantrum when I saw him after our Parent Conference he was playing Ring Around the Rosie and having a BLAST!!! He seemed to be listening well and following instructions.  I think it is going to be a wonderful year for Wesley and he is going to learn so much this year.

As for me- I am going to TREASURE having these few hours a week kid free until baby girl is born in Jan/Feb. 

Gotta go...lots to be done.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Climbing Fun

Look who loves to climb! What a cutie!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Morning Helper

One thing I worried most about Lawson starting school was our morning routine getting everything done and getting her dressed (without fighting.)  I am happy to report that in 5 days of school we had little to no complaints (thanks to new clothes and she only wears skirts with shorts underneath.)   Today she COMPLETELY suprised me.  I heard her wake up before me 6:45AM and do her normal routine: go to the bathroom and brush her hair, but then she went downstairs rather then come in my room.  My little girl made cereal with milk for both her and Wesley, as well as grape juice for her and milk for Wesley.  To the side on a napkin was a Raisin Bran Muffin.  All of this at each of  their place settings.  WOW!!  The bonus: there was no mess!  (Lawson does make breakfast for herself but never that early and never for Wesley.)  Wesley was completely appreciative that his sissy made him such a wonderful breakfast.  It was a great way to start a school morning. 


**School Note: Lawson is still loving her school and her teachers.  She has not quite opened up yet and is really shy but rest assure she is like a fly on the wall and notices EVERYTHING!! Maybe I could learn a thing or two from her to be quiet and just for thought!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oh, what is in your pockets today?

4 pair of shorts.

4 piles of "stuff" in his pockets.


Often I ask myself "how in the world he gets so much junk in one (right side) pocket?" Who knows.

That is my Wesley.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Lawson's exact words when I asked about her first day. She had a blast.  I asked her if she learned anything, she said "no." That made me laugh.  She did bring home her first project and poem for us.  It was SO SWEET!! It is called "The Kissing Hand."  

I kept on asking her more questions but she was done.  Her 1st day was fantastic and that is all that matters.  Mom and Dad you will appreciate this. When I opened her lunch box....almost everything I packed was there just half eaten.  She said she was "too busy" to eat.  I wonder if her being busy has anything to do with WATCHING PEOPLE!!

Day two picture: 

(I promise I won't take a picture of her everyday. I am just still an excited mommy and I love the fact she LOVES to get dressed up everyday (without fighting)!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lawson's OFFICIAL First Day of Kindergarten

Today is the day! As much as we have prepared...waited...and prepared...we were ready.  This morning everything went off without a hitch.  Here is my big girl all ready for her day.

Here official first day of school outfit.  SO CUTE!!

Her backpack and lunch box all assembled together. 

Snapshot with Mommy- I love this little girl SO MUCH!!

We got there a little early and had to wait...Lawson watching definitely can't tell what she is thinking! haha!

Walking into her classroom.  Parents were asked not to walk in.  I love her face expression.  Despite how it looks she charged right in and found her cubby and then with a little calling out of her name did I get her to turn around and give me a kiss good-bye. 

Then she walked right in and never looked back!! Her teacher is in the brown shirt (Ms Olyvia.) 

My little girl is now officially in elementary school.  I asked Lawson how this happen so fast.  She said I don't know!!

I will be I cried (got teary-eyed) leaving her.  I remember bringing her from the hospital like it was yesterday and now I am leaving my little girl in the care of the public school system.  That thought 5 years ago terrified me to no end.  Now, I rest my faith in God that he will watch over my little girl and the people who will be caring for my daughter.  I feel 90% comfortable with the decision we have made to send Lawson to a Magnet School**. 

**For those of you who do not know what a Magnet School is...
A Magnet School is a school in a poor/disadvantaged area of the city that specializes in a certain area to bring other classes of people to the school.  Lawson's school is a Montessori School.  This is a technique developed by Maria Montessori it is a mixed classroom, there are no textbooks, and children learn directly from each other, and seldom two kids are on the same lesson.  Lawson will be in a Pre-K/ Kindergarten Classroom.  Next Year she will be in a 1st-2nd grade classroom and will stay in that class for 2 years. 

To get into the school it is base area kids, a lottery, and paying for pre-k.  We were fortunate to get in by lottery.  Many people who want there children to go to this school bad enough pay $6K for pre-school which guarantees them a spot for Kindergarten and so forth (we did not chose this option.) 

The reason I say I am 90% comfortable with our decision is because it is unfamiliar (any new school would be) and we are slightly taken out of our comfort zone. However, after meeting our teacher, assistant teacher, the principal and the other staff I feel much better about our decision.  You can tell these people love kids and are happy to be there! 

I am so happy for Lawson- I can't wait to hear about Lawson's first day when I pick her up!!