Friday, August 23, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten for Wesley (3 days late)

My Big Boy is now a Kindergartener!! We had a wonderful short summer but it was finally time to begin a new path in elementary school. Of course, nothing ever really goes to plan around here.  Wesley did his staggered entry the week of July 9th and everything was great.  Sunday before his first real day I took the kids to the pool as one last moment of summer. We got home everything seemed okay, I fixed dinner and that is when Wesley complained he didn’t feel well.  Took his temperature and it was 102!!!


No other symptoms but fever. I was sure it was going to be fine by the morning and he would not miss the first day of kindergarten.  I was wrong…he not only missed the first day but the first 3 days of school. By Tuesday he couldn’t swallow and was still so sick.  OH MY GOODNESS!!! Come to find out he had Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Our first case ever.

Finally by Thursday Wesley was well enough to go to school.  However, the night before his poor little sister got it.  She was up all night crying and drooling and was a mess.  He might of been well but I was a mess along with Cailyn.

First Day of School…3 days late.  We mustard up just enough strength to get pictures… You can kind of tell he is still exhausted but he was ready!!!

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Then we got to school.  I walked into the classroom but someone else lagged behind.  Here is my sweet, timid boy checking things out and realizing “nope, I am NOT going in there”

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I tried talking him into going but I was already SO tired and worn out that I started getting tears in my eyes (you know the #1 thing they tell you NOT to do to assure your kid everything will be fine).  That is when he dug his heel in the ground and refused to go in.  I finally got the teachers attention and told her I thought it was best if I just leave him in the hallway and walk away (bawling).  I watched from a corner it take 3 adults to drag my kicking, screaming for mommy child into the classroom.  IT WAS AWFUL!!! I just stood there.  In moments like these you wonder am I doing the right thing, maybe he wasn’t ready, maybe I am not ready…then another teacher asked me if he was my first child to go to school.  I thought to myself “Yes, I am just a crazy women who on the 4th day of school still can’t get my stuff together!!!” 

Well, he made it in.  He only stood in the corner of the classroom for an hour watching everyone… (No words)  The teacher was kind enough during lunch write me to tell me that day he was doing much better and they even caught a few smiles.  Thank you, Lord!!

When we got home he was head over heels in love with school!!! Of course.  All that drama…again no words!!

That evening the school had a Back to School Night. I normally don’t care much for these things but I want the kids to feel like they are apart of the school community so we went.  I am so glad we did.  Check out these smiles.  Yep, it was a hit. 

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We are officially in kindergarten and Wesley is doing GREAT!! He loves it and Wesley has adjusted very well.  The teachers just rave over what a well behaved child he is!!!!! Let’s hope he keeps that up!!   I should mention thanks to our crazy track three schedule he was in school all of 7 days before he got a 3 week vacation!

Personal Note to Wesley-  I love you son and I am so incredibly proud of you!!! Continue to stay brave and strong and always pray!! 

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