L: I want a new mommy.
M: Why do you want a new mommy? (trying to not be hurt by a 3yr old)
L: Because you are not nice and put me in timeout all the time & take away my doll house (I should state for the record she is not in timeout all the time just 1-2 times a week, maybe)
M: Mommy does that to teach you a lesson, not to be mean.
L: Well, I want Sydney's mom and you can have Sydney.
M: I don't want Sydney, I want you.
L: I want Sydney's mommy because she is nice.
M: Mommy LOVES Lawson and only wants Lawson and you are making me very sad talking this way.
L: (after thinking about it for awhile) Well, you can keep me but don't talk to me for the rest of the day. I am having a bad day!!
What am I to do with that???? Just as soon as I think things are turning the corner (the terrible 3s are over) we hit a wall straight on!! Today in fact she has lost her dollhouse (again) and will not be seeing her dolls for quite some time. Why, because I am mean and take pleasure in taking away things she loves???
No, because we are having BIG issues listening. She doesn't listen to her pre-school teacher, me or her dance teacher. She seems to be in her own little world. The amazing part to me is when we talk about not listening she will say "Mommy, I think I need to read Howard B Wigglebottom Learns to Listen again"

Nope, I don't think that is the solution. I am thinking ears cleaned out, more restrictions, etc. Actually, I really don't know what the solution is. Just be consistent and keep moving forward. Anyone have any suggestions?
Fun times! I already gave you mine w/ the dance...otherwise, just keep being strong.
And for the record (you can tell Lawson I said this) you are a great Mommy!
Oh Maridith you are a great mommy! Not to laugh at yours or Lawson's issues today, but this one is really funny! I am sure my payback will be hell when it's my turn to deal with a 3 year old!
You just have to laugh it off, right?
BTW, I came across this post via a blog ranking thing for Raleigh. This post apparently ranks very highly! Nice work!
it's funny, but the 11 year old is having the same problem (not remembering what we tell him to do/not to do) and he is 11!!! every time i have to tell him to take a shower, not a bath (uses too much water when he does a bath because he fills it ALL the way up and takes FOREVER), and every time i have to remind the kids to put dishes in the dishwasher, not the sink. i think consistantcy is the key, and as painful as it is, discipline action. i have not tried the disclipline action yet. i just keep telling them like a broken record.
I think many children pull this trick at one time or another. Don't let it hurt your feelings too much!
You are a wonderful mommy for Lawson!!!
Have your 3 yr old and my 3 yr old had a secret meeting to discuss strategy? Man, this all sounds sooo familiar. We use time out quite a bit. There are some actions that are an automatic time out (knocking his brother down, hitting, chasing the cats, etc), and then some warrant a warning or 2. But there are days where I have to reach into that second level of discipline and start taking away privileges, like cartoons. And then the third level, well- we try hard not to go there! :) I feel your pain, M. And while Ethan has not said he doesn't want me for a Mommy, he sure as heck has told me that he doesn't want me, but wants Daddy. Of course, I can't help but giggle a little when Daddy comes in a delivers the same sentence!!!
Let the spankings begin! hahaha.
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