Grandparents on wireless internet!! Gotta love technology!
We had a nice/quick weekend with Nana and Dah. They got to witness first hand Wesley's walking skills. He is a boy on the move!!
We also went to Mill Outlet (fabric store) I could spend hours there! If only there wasn't two men and two kids with mom and me!! Then we went to Jason's Deli and Costco. The kids were great and they got lots of prizes!
Oh I can't forget Butler also came down. Mr Chew acted like he was 3 again and Lawson just LOVES having a dog around smaller then her!
That evening we had Salmon on the grill and Lawson enjoyed watching lots of Cat videos on Utube with Dah.
It was a quick weekend with the G-parents but we had a great time!!
Thank you for everything!
I wish I was there to spend the weekend with everyone. I love how mom & dad are both on their computers. It reminds me of last week Will and I were watching TV and I happen to just take a look at the two of us sitting on the couch (right next to each other) with our laptops open as well. Haha.... you have to laugh.
I'm glad Butler and Chew got to play.
I heart Mill Outlet!
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