Here is Lawson and Alicia playing together. They were attached at the hip!
Lawson having fun!!
Daddy and Wesley watching all the people (that place is crazy loud)
Mommy got involved in the action to get Lawson up the big jumpers
Lawson "helping" Wesley.
It dawned on me as we were leaving I need to start thinking about Lawson's 4th Birthday! I think we are going to keep it small and budget friendly this year. Anyone have any good suggestions? I will think about the fact that I have a four year old tomorrow!! (as Miss Scarlett would say)
I'm so glad that Lawson and Alicia got to play together! They have a very special friendship! Ya'll always look like you are having the most fun!!!!
Maridith, Wesley looks just like his mama, with his big brown eyes.
glad you guys are doing well. we're hanging in there (Oscar is 2 weeks and change now).
see ya!
It looks like it was a fun time for all! Way to brave the slide for the kids. Any sore muscles the next day?
I will get my brain going on ideas for Miss Lawson's birthday.
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