Here are my two little leprechauns this morning.
Also, go here if you want to do a flashback of one year ago today!!
Lastly, another walk down memory lane...15 years ago today I got my driver's license (that dates me). I will always remember that day because (1) it was on St. Patty's Day (2) how many kids do you know have to take their driver's license test in a Lincoln Towncar??? It was better then taking it in a Full-size Dodge Ram Van!! Oh memories!!
That was a classic car - the "1990 Motor Trend Car of the Year" I'll have you know
The Lincoln does not have as many stories as the van (I hope). What I remember about our cars 15 years ago was that instead of watching the 94 Championship game between Duke and Arkansas I was at the Toyota place buying a Toyota Camry so you would have something a little more "new-driver friendly" to transport the boys to all of their practices/games.
Love Dad
I love that picture!
I took mine in a Ford Crown Victoria...we called it the hurse....where did you get that cute top for Wes?
Wesley's shirt came from Target. The van was called by every one the "Mystery Machine" I am glad I am not the only one who had to drive the family boat!!
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