I thought today I would dedicate a post on my little boy!! Over the weekend he turned 16 months old, and I can hardly believe it!!
It seems like we just reached another milestone and I didn't really notice it but Lawson sure did. Wesley is repeating words left and right (sometimes behind the paci). He has been making animal noises for sometime now: horses, cows, dogs, pigs and cats. It is so funny sometime he will stop screaming long enough in the car to say "neigh-neigh" or "moo-moo" when he sees these animals. I would think "please lets pass another farm SOON!!
On Tuesday, Lawson told Wes "Now Wesley stop screaming and if you want these bubbles you have to say Bubbles" (you tell him girl) and sure enough he said "bu-bubs" Then later Lawson told him if he wanted animal crackers you have to say 'cookie'. Sure enough he said "cook-cooks" I couldn't believe it!!! Lawson was so happy and as a true little mommy she said to me " Mommy this is wonderful- go get the video camera" Silly mommy, of course!! So we got it on video!! He also started saying "sis" for sister, and "bug." His lack of communication could be why he has been screaming so much, because now that the words are coming the screaming is slowin down (hallelujah, Praise the Lord).
The other great thing he is doing is shaking his head yes and no when we ask him a question...very helpful!!!
We are also at the stage of Monkey See-Monkey Do. In every aspect good and bad!! Wes moves the stool in the kitchen and bathrooms to get to higher places! If Lawson does it, Wesley is going to try with all of his might to do it too. Wesley is really good at getting down the stairs backwards. Now he is trying to hold onto the railing and walk down (talk about giving mommy a heart attack).
Here is Wes at work...
Here is his teacher...
The other thing I am so proud of my baby boy is he LOVES to read. Truly his favorite pass-time. He loves to read pictionary books and for me ask him to find things. He points to them and is normally right 70-80% of the time. He might not talk much but he is picking it all up!!
As with all children they have growing pains. If his screaming is apart of his growing pains then so be it. I will get my hearing back one day....
Told you it would be a hoot when he started talking. Way to go Wes and Lawson what a BIG help you are!
Love, Pops
Good stuff.
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