First day at the pool!!

Break time it is cold...

Wesley and Katie...Little guy did NOT like the water. Finally on Saturday he got in the water and had a good time.

He did enjoy throwing the ball in the water from the edge!

Sunday we went to church and my handsome boy got to wear an outfit of his daddy's that his grandmother made. This outfit is 30+ years old but it looks brand new and it is SO cute!!
Pictures of my two angels. Yes, Lawson wore this dress to Sunday school and she looked ADORABLE!!
Then we got to see Mrs Elizabeth and Anderson!!! Everyone is doing great and Anderson is just a precious!!! And big brother Owen is so proud of his baby brother!!
Funny story: Lawson on the way home said "Mommy, can you please start praying for another baby?" Now this is much better then what she use to say..A woman who was very pregnant told Lawson how the baby got in her stomach was she swallowed and 'Adult seed.' Then I had a 3 yr old going around saying "mommy I swallowed and adult seed and now I am having a baby" I could of strangled that woman!!! Getting side tracked...
I told Lawson "I don't think I will be praying for anymore babies my prayers have been answered with two beautiful babies you and Wesley" she said "Well, mommy can you turn around and get Anderson? I love him and I will take care of him since you are not going to pray for anymore babies." I don't think that is going to work, babe!!
How we ended the weekend... Wesley woke up from his nap with a 101.6 fever... it only got worse by the end of the night at 102.6. He does not have a runny nose just a fever...could it be his 2 yr molars? Who knows? He slept okay once he went down around 9:30 and he is still asleep now. Who knows what Monday will bring...
Hope everyone had a great weekend and Welcome June (can you beleive it is June 1st????)
Tell Lawson she can come over for night duty the next couple of months! Thanks for coming to was great to see you guys.
I am glad that you have pictures up of Anderson. The only ones that I have seen are the 2 she sent. Those are great. Thanks for visiting her since I can't. Take care of her for me!!
I remember that outfit when Mom made it for Collins {among many} thanks to Grammy for storing them so well over the years. That Wes is one cute out girls!
Love, Pops
I can't believe how big Wes has gotten!
Who knows, maybe Lawson will pray hard enough for a baby and God will answer her prays. Better do her prayers with her at night. Just to keep a tab on things. :)
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