In this house we never sit idle, for if we did there would probably be more trouble! Saturday morning, Lawson and her daddy went blueberry picking. Her trip was a success and although hot she did not throw up! Unlike her mommy (age 13?) who didn't handle the heat so well and ended up showing the blueberry staffers how many blueberries I DID NOT pay for by leaving the remnants by a pine tree!! (I will never live that story down)
They picked the best blueberries and and Collins has already made a blueberry pie and it was wonderful!!
At the blueberry field

It is a tad hot daddy...hurry up!

Hey, I think this goat is looking at me!

Lawson all dolled up! Yes she is wearing high heels (when doesn't she?)
Maybe when it is water play time!

Wesley loves the water too, but he took a time out to give mommy some flowers!!

Does it get any better then this, really?

My adventure for the weekend was I got to ride in my neighbor's newest car, a 2010 Camero!! I thought I was pretty hot stuff!! And yes I am cheesy enough to take pictures of it!!

And away we go....

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!!
The weekend seems like it was so much fun!! Look at you supermodel next to that hot car!!!
Fun for everyone. You'll have to let me know where they went blueberry picking...I want to go.
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