It doesn't matter how girly you may think Lawson is... this child LOVES to fish. Wesley is learning to love fishing but I think he is hooked now!! One of the perks about living on the lake you can fish as much as you want!! So Paula loaded up her trailer and off we time to was time to fish!
Paula joked that if Collins ever were to mention him going fishing the kids would be in the car faster then he would. Truly that is how much these guys love fishing!
Lawson in her "Fishing" outfit and is ready to go

The gear and the kids made it down the hill...
where was my ride???
Let's get some worms ready!!

Or how about some minnows

It didn't even take 5 minutes and we had our first fish!

Look at me...I even got a fish! Dad, you would be proud I even got it off the hook!

Lawson caught at least 3-4. She loved pulling them in!

Wesley was happy cheering everyone on. At the end of our trip he decided to dump all of the worms into the minnow bucket.
Guess they needed a bath? Paula was a trooper and fished them all out. Can't say I would've done the same!!!

Our adventure was done and now back to the house!

What a great time! The best part was we got some fish, no one fell in, and after lunch we all got a nap!! It was a great day!!
What a shack that place is. Jeez. ;)
That looks SO FUN! I think that we need to get our guys out fishing sometime! Glad that y'all got to go and have some fun!
Wish I ahd ben there.
I'm proud that you got the fish off of the hook but Lawson told me you were allergic to worms. When did you come down with that affliction? Hmmm
It wasn't me who said she was allergic to worms it was Lauren!! Silly Lawson, I touched those dang worms to get them on her hook without a glove (like Lauren)!!
Come on! Maridith, there is nothing to getting bait on a hook! I'm sure you did great! At Wes' age, according to Fitts and Granddaddy, James would eat the bait!!!!!
I still stand by my worm allergy! (No comment needed from Jim!! Haha!)
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