Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lawson 1st Grade Update

Lawson survived the first week of school!!  Actually a better assessment would be “Mommy survived the first week of school.”  Let’s see if I can remember all the details. 

Monday 1st day: Lawson got confused with car pool line in the afternoon.  The children wait in the classroom rather then the gym and when they called her name she didn’t know what to do.  Therefore, she had to be called twice over the intercom and escorted to the front of the carpool line. It is rather unnerving to pull up to get your daughter and no one can find her.  hmmm.

Then we got home.  We have over an hours worth of homework. ON THE FIRST DAY!! Lawson was exhausted and took some serious motivation (chocolate chips) to continue her enthusiasm for homework.

Tuesday: We waited in line for carpool for over an HOUR!! Seriously people??? Then…was Lawson there?  Nope.  Once again she didn’t like the fact she had to walk to the carpool line all by herself.  She said “mommy can I please ride the bus??”  Still 1 hours worth of homework.

Wednesday:  Mommy was a nervous wreck starting about 3:45PM. Why? Because mommy was not at carpool line.  I was waiting at the corner of the street with these two cuties. 


Lawson rode the bus for the first time.


I asked Lawson how was it.  Her first comment “I don’t think the bus driver should be a bus driver.  I think he should be a race car driver.”  Lord have mercy, I thought I was going to faint.  She told me her tummy turned upside down because she was bouncing all around.  Breath…breath…besides these two comments.  I remembered being in a bus you do seem like you are going faster then you really are. RIGHT??

Thursday and Friday:  Lawson continued to ride the bus BUT we made a little bit of a change.  Lawson now gets dropped off at our driveway!  Bonus for being a young family in an older neighborhood.  Ha!

Here is Cailyn waiting for Lawson.  Wesley was asleep. New and improved sleep schedule. BONUS!! I think I am liking this bus thing.


Lawson was thrilled to see us and loved being able to push Cailyn back to the house. 


Her overall review of her first week.  “I love Mrs. Johnson because she is teaching me lots of things”  Good to hear.  However, I do think the homework is a little excessive.  Here is all her homework from the first week. 


Then let’s move onto this Monday, 8/8.  Nothing like seeing the big yellow bus and YOUR DAUGHTER IS NOT ON THE BUS!! You read that correctly.  She missed the bus.  My brother was in town and offered to go and get her at the bus stop.  At the same time I get a phone call from the school that Lawson is not on the bus and will be in the classroom ready for pick-up.  Apparently, Lawson does not like flying solo and even though she saw her bus # up on the screen, she did not want to exit the classroom without supervision.  So she missed it. ARE YOU SERIOUS????


I can’t blame her because she is just waiting for more direction from the teacher.  Then last thing she wants is to get in trouble for not following the rules. I do think our current school makes the children have a few too many responsibilities but it is probably just me.  Thankfully, Ryan was in town so I left W & C at the house and picked up Lawson.  Her teachers were very sweet and explained the procedure to her helped make the incident not traumatic at all. I am happy to report Lawson was on the bus Tuesday afternoon. 

Overall Report:  We (Collins and I) are coming around to all the changes.  Lawson deals with change a lot better then us.  Lawson seems happy and really that is all that matters!! We are so proud of our little girl, Lawson!!


Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! What a week! Maridith you are a very stong mommy to have survived this. Give yourself a big pat on the back. And may I just say that I don't want Nathaniel to go to school! He does start 2 days of preschool in the fall but thankfully no bus!

Elizabeth said...

Phew, aren't you glad that week 1 is done! You'll be in the swing of it in no time. Btw, Maria said Ms. Johnson is a really good teacher.