Lawson and Daddy at Lake Lure
Wes sleeping at Lake Lure (gee buddy- do you think you are tired from waking up 3 times the night before???)
Wes is awake now and ready to swim (Lawson will show him what to do)
Mommy (don't look at my pudge) and Wes
This is cool- where are we again?
We relaxed most of Sunday. That afternoon we went to the town of Chimney Rock and Bat Cave, NC. We did go into a General Store that had a whole corner full of Betty Boop (crap) stuff. Lawson found a pair of flip flops and just had to have them. I don't know if you know this but my daughter loves shoes and doubly loves flip flops. Well, they were too big and I refused to buy them. Without too much dispute (thank you) I did meet her need to have something Betty Boop by buying her a $1.50 tin case to put her "expensive" ring in.
About the "Expensive" Ring: Right before we left I told Lawson to pack a bag of toys for the car. She got her bag ready and then proceeded to "help" me get ready. She got her Barbie Tackle Box and opened up my jewelry box and started packing my jewelry. Her daddy caught her and told her she couldn't mess with my jewelry because it was expensive. From that point on all she wanted was "expensive" jewelry. So at Bat Cave, NC we found a 50 cent ring that she treasured for about.... 3 hours...then it broke. Oh well. We still have the Betty Boop tin case.
1st day at Lake Lure was wonderful. Loved every minute with my husband and kids.
I'm so glad you are back and had a wonderful time! I'm excited to hear all about your trip.
What a relaxing time for your family. I'm so happy everything went well. I love the pictures. I can't get over how big the kids are. I need to get down to see you.
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