Here are pictures of the first part of our trip with Nana, Dah & Uncle Ryans...
The kids just love how strong Uncle Ryan is!
Electric kid!!
For some odd reason being in the car 5 hours to the resort was enough for Wesley!! He did not want to be in ANY car with Lawson!
Nana, Dah and Wesley
Then best part of the trip for Wesley was going Putt-putting. Since he is still too small he was confined to the stroller. He would yell with excitement at the top of his lungs "Putt-putt" he loved watching everyone. This is how he was for 18 holes! Watching very intensely.
Lawson was a good sport the first few holes
Then she LPGA for this little one
As we played Wesley waited patiently...
Then finally is was time!! He was so excited he could hardly contain himself. If you know Wesley when he gets really excited his whole body shakes. Nana tried to show him how to get the ball in the hole
Daddy trying to teach him to putt. Now when it comes to teaching Wesley how to hit a driver I think I am going to recommend Dah or Uncle Ryan for that one!! (WINK)
That was the first day of our vacation...Lots more pictures and stories to tell!! Stay Tuned
I think it is hilarious how Wesley's entire body shakes when he's excited.
I'm so glad y'all had a good time. I wish I could have been there!
So cute!
uh, were in my territory woman! Well, actually, i'm not sure how far it is from us, but we live north of C'ville, so not far! At least you were in the sam state! How did you all come up?
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