As of Sunday, Wesley's days of crawling are behind him. He is pretty much a full-time walker. He tries so hard to keep up with Lawson, but that is pretty tough right now. His big thing is to stand up in the middle of the room without using his hands. (Now that takes talent) I try to encourage him to use his hands but he is stubborn (no idea where he gets that from).
The other thing he is doing again is YELLING-- A LOT!! If you have been on the phone with me recently- you know how bad it is!! He yells for food, he yells for a drink, he yells when he is excited and wants attention. It is about ready to drive me crazy!! I do feel a tad sorry for him because all of his gums are swollen with molars cutting through but still. Enough is enough!! Whew!!
Wesley making sure we all know he does not do purple or tutu's!!
Then there is Ms Lawson. Let's see, it appears naps are a thing of the past!! Oh NAPS how I miss thee!! She is just not tired. So that has been a challenge but one I have come to accept (kind of). Also, today I am enrolling Lawson in her Pre-Kindergarten classes for next year at her church pre-school. (Tissue please) I can't believe that is possible!! Time flies!! I will turn on the water works when she gets closer to kindergarten. Oh my!!
I guess that is it from here. I will leave you with a picture of Ms. Lawson goofing off!
The Dancing Queen...Like the outfit!