Lawson has been extra funny the last few days. I need to walk around with a tape recorder because the girl really does crack me up!!
On Tuesday I told Lawson are plans for Wednesday. Our conversation:
M: Lawson, tomorrow we are going to see Siena and Britain.
L: Yeah!! Where are we going?
M: We are going to see them at Meredith College.
L: (
giving me a puzzled look) Mom, I thought you told me I had to go to kindergarten before I went to college
Laughing so hard I couldn’t say anything else...but I was thinking and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ect...
L: I crack you up, don’t I!!
M: Yes, you do. Yes, you do!!
We get to MC College and the girls are beside themselves to see each other. Siena informs us the MC is her college and she is going to MC.
Rock on sister!! Lawson is impartial right now, but give her time.
The girls immediately hold hands and walk to our destination at the pond.
As luck would have it I had to buy bread on the way to MC for our sandwiches. Rather then taking just the bread I needed for sandwiches I took the whole loaf to the pond (not thinking). Guess who needs to buy more bread? The MC geese & turtles ate good yesterday.

We brought our soccer balls to play with too...

This really didn't last that long!

As we are leaving the amphitheater to eat lunch Charity had a bad turn of events and dropped her video recorder. At that point the life of the video recorder looked bleak and Charity was very upset. Lawson sees that Ms Charity is very upset and says to her “Don’t worry; they have those on sale at Target.” Lawson really did lighten the mood!!
Then getting back in the car Lawson found a nickel and told me to give the nickel to Ms Charity to help buy a new video recorder. So stinking cute!! I am happy to report, Charity called me and the video camera is not broken!!
Wesley was the only boy in the group!! This picture pretty much says it all...wait for me girls!

Wesley being Wesley!
Great smiles!!

Future MC time we can add Britain to the picture (she was asleep)

I love going to MC!! We saw the new soccer fields and the new apartments. Beth just wrote me and said we need to get a MC reunion together. I could not agree more!!! The college is special but the friendships that I made at MC are priceless!!! Love you MC girls!