Today, I thought I would write down some of my thoughts. Realize these are my thoughts and feelings so bare with might want to skip to the next post if you don't like my thoughts!!
This week I started and finished the book The Shack. I've waited to read this book because the context is so deep and hits really close to home on a couple of issues for me. I think everyone should read this book. I will probably read it again and again because some of the context is so deep it is WAY over my head. It makes so much sense to me yet throws me for a loop at the same time. It does NOT make me understand "why" things happens, but assures me that God does have a plan. I am still wrapping my head around this book and deep in thought, but I can tell you I think it has helped me heal some open wounds.
As far as God's plan goes, my baby sister and her loving husband, Will, found out they are having a precious baby girl in January. I am over-joyed for them. Will lovingly calls Lauren "The Princess" and she is one...however, I thing Lauren's reign will soon be over once the little one is here!! I am thrilled that my baby sister is going to feel love like she has never felt!! This baby girl is being brought into this world with so much love and is already so loved by family and friends. Babies are truly a miracle from God. My sister is going to be the best mom! I also realized this week I will be an Aunt for the first time. I have a lot to live up too!! Aunt Lauren is truly the best aunt anyone could ask for!
I have not been sleeping well this week, lots on my mind I guess. Does any mom go to bed thinking of all the things they did wrong that day? they could of been better...reacted better...dealt with an issue better? My daughter is just like me, stubborn, bull-headed and sometimes just plain ol' difficult. Because I am looking at a mirror, I am programmed to yell. Nothing ugly (outloud), I am just LOUD, and sometimes very short! I tend to snap, especially at Lawson when she consistently pulls at my strings. I admit this because I really want to fix it...I hate that I am a yeller. It does no good. Lawson shuts down...I shut down and nothing is resolved. Lawson has become especially irreverent and it gets under my skin faster then nails to a chalkboard. I need to fix my issue fast, because as Lawson continues to act like a teenager, at 4, it will ONLY get worse! I am not really looking for anyone to make suggestions (unless it is really good), just pray for me and all the other moms out there who don't have all the answers! I have purchased the book "Scream-free Parenting" and let's see how that works for me!
Some of you are probably wondering why I would mention this. On Blogworld, I could make my life seem as perfect as the images I display. Well, my life isn't perfect, I am not perfect...and I am a realist. I don't sugar-coat things!!! I am a mom who is constantly evolving, learning and always in need of an adjustment. I thank God for each new day and that I have a clean slate to try again...
I don't want to leave a post without pictures I will leave you with this image...
I H*E*A*R*T my kids!!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Creepy Spiders Lurk Here
Living in the trees has some pluses and minuses. I am not sure what category I would put this one into.
This thing is huge and every day gets bigger...

This is the underside. He doesn't move!

Here is a baby one next to the front door.

They are really cool to look at, but really scary at the same. Where they are (and have been for 2 weeks) the kids could easily touch, but somehow there is an understanding... "Don't bother me and I won't bother you."
This thing is huge and every day gets bigger...
This is the underside. He doesn't move!
Here is a baby one next to the front door.
They are really cool to look at, but really scary at the same. Where they are (and have been for 2 weeks) the kids could easily touch, but somehow there is an understanding... "Don't bother me and I won't bother you."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Beach Weekend- Change of Plans
On Saturday we were suppose to take the ferry and go to Okacroke Island. However, with a hurricane in the ocean the waves were to strong for us. So we made other plans...

Luckily on the Atlantic Coast we have the wonderful Sound and the waves are blocked my little banks! It was a gorgeous day! As always the kids were ready for boating, sand and beach!
Wesley taking a break...that doesn't look comfortable!
And you wonder how you got sand in your pants????
Wesley taking a break...that doesn't look comfortable!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Parent-free Vacation
Lawson had the pleasure of spending a couple days with her Grammy and Pops last week. It was her first visit to the beach without mommy and daddy. Let me tell you...Lawson had a blast & was not home-sick one bit!! She did everything a girl at the beach could dream of doing. She went kiaking, fishing, boating, shelling, putt-putting, go-carting, swimming, and crafts. They were busy from sun up (literally) to sun down.
She was perfectly happy having two people give her their full attention for 3 days!!
Here are some great pictures of her adventure....
Celebrating her freedom with Grammy...

Lawson in full control of the boat!! (watch out)

My beach girl..looking for sand dollars. After us hitting Sand Dollar island for 2 days I am not sure they can call it that anymore....

She was perfectly happy having two people give her their full attention for 3 days!!
Here are some great pictures of her adventure....
Celebrating her freedom with Grammy...

Lawson in full control of the boat!! (watch out)

My beach girl..looking for sand dollars. After us hitting Sand Dollar island for 2 days I am not sure they can call it that anymore....

Friday, August 21, 2009
Excited about Duck Season
There has been some talk about "Hunting Season" in this house the last couple of days. I guess dove season is about ready to open up, then deer, then duck. Anyway. Wesley is too young to go hunting but he can join in the excitement with his daddy. Daddy thought it would be a fun idea to give Wesley a decoy in the bath. Wesley LOVED it!!
Look what I got!!

I added this because I love his smile!!

Look what I got!!
I added this because I love his smile!!
Next thing you know Collins will give Wesley a water gun so he can practice target shooting in the tub!
Boys will be Boys!!
Lawson's Projects
Lawson is so much like me, sometimes it is just scary. One of the wonderful qualities of Lawson is her love of "projects." Most nights we have an agenda it is either dance night, help daddy in the garage, make a list, or complete a project.
Here is one of Lawson's Grocery Lists. I told her how to spell the words (of course) and she wrote them!! The only letter she needed help with was the "m."

Then one night it was "Paint night" I set up her art easle, drew the giraffe, gave her some guidelines, and went on to put Wesley to bed. When I came back down this is what I found. I WAS SHOCKED!! I think she is a natural.

The finished picture!

Signed and dated! This one is going to be framed! She has since painted a couple more pictures but they are gifts and I can not spoil the suprise.
Here is one of Lawson's Grocery Lists. I told her how to spell the words (of course) and she wrote them!! The only letter she needed help with was the "m."
Then one night it was "Paint night" I set up her art easle, drew the giraffe, gave her some guidelines, and went on to put Wesley to bed. When I came back down this is what I found. I WAS SHOCKED!! I think she is a natural.
The finished picture!
Signed and dated! This one is going to be framed! She has since painted a couple more pictures but they are gifts and I can not spoil the suprise.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
2nd Annual Greenwing Event
This weekend we went fishing with Daddy! at the Greenwings Event! Let me tell you these kids LOVE fishing! They love fish, touching worms and everything that about it...Except maybe the waiting part (they get their impatience from me.)
We look forward to this event every year. They get a new fishing rod, a tackle box, t-shirt, and free food, but the kids don't care what we get for $10. To them it is just FUN, and that is all that counts!
Daddy getting their reels ready...

Lawson (my country girl) fishing with pig-tails & no shoes...Gotta love it!!

Lawson caught a little bream (Where is daddy when you need him?) I had two kids fishing, we were close to the water, with a camera, and a fish on a hook... (LOVELY)

After our first catch, the fish figured out we were fish killers, so we waited... and waited for the fish...

We did see our friend, Quinn, catch a BIG catfish!! It was very cool... Lawson walked ALL the way around the pond to see her friend's fish. Without shoes!!
We look forward to this event every year. They get a new fishing rod, a tackle box, t-shirt, and free food, but the kids don't care what we get for $10. To them it is just FUN, and that is all that counts!
Daddy getting their reels ready...
Lawson (my country girl) fishing with pig-tails & no shoes...Gotta love it!!
Lawson caught a little bream (Where is daddy when you need him?) I had two kids fishing, we were close to the water, with a camera, and a fish on a hook... (LOVELY)
After our first catch, the fish figured out we were fish killers, so we waited... and waited for the fish...
We did see our friend, Quinn, catch a BIG catfish!! It was very cool... Lawson walked ALL the way around the pond to see her friend's fish. Without shoes!!
This year they offered a horse ride. Lawson LOVES horses. Mark my words...she will ask for riding lessons, one day!! She also happened to tell this lady EVERYTHING about herself in 5 short minutes (that is why she is smiling). Good thing she doesn't know my social security number!

Then there was Wesley and his Daddy...Wesley is cut from the same cloth
Then there was Wesley and his Daddy...Wesley is cut from the same cloth is uncomfortable...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
She is off...
Today was a big day for Miss Lawson!! We packed up her bags, we drove to Kinston where we met up with her Grammy and Pops. We had a wonderful lunch at King's BBQ and then Lawson, Grammy and Pops headed East, while Wesley and I headed West.
Lawson is spending 3 days with just her Grammy and Pops!! No Mommy or Daddy around!
This is a mixed bag of emotions for me. I know she is ready for some "time away from mommy" and I am ready for some "time" myself, but that doesn't mean I didn't cry a little. She is my little baby and is ready to leave the nest for a couple of days!! What is up with that?? She said to me before I left "I am sorry that you will miss me, but I am going to be gone for a couple of days!!" She never looked back...she was ready to GO, GO!! To be honest, she packed her bags on Sunday during quiet time and has been ready ever since.
Wesley did asked "wheres sissy?" several times in the car. Then when Lawson called to say she arrived at the beach safely she asked to talk to Wesley to tell him she loved him. They are so sweet!!
**Flashback** I use to go with my sister to my grandparents' home in SC every summer for almost a month! I looked forward to that month starting in January, and I have the best memories of my time there. I was fortunate that both sets of grandparents lived in the same town so I shuffled back and forth between homes. Time with Grandparents is important and my time there was truly treasured. I learned to sew, (wish I could say cook), ride the riding lawn mower, fish, garden, I watched a lot of Matlock & Price is Right, and I learned to love Braves Baseball.
I know Lawson will make wonderful memories as well!! Next time, she will have to venture up to VA to be with Nana and Dah!! Two different areas of the country, two wonderful experiences!!
Lawson is spending 3 days with just her Grammy and Pops!! No Mommy or Daddy around!
This is a mixed bag of emotions for me. I know she is ready for some "time away from mommy" and I am ready for some "time" myself, but that doesn't mean I didn't cry a little. She is my little baby and is ready to leave the nest for a couple of days!! What is up with that?? She said to me before I left "I am sorry that you will miss me, but I am going to be gone for a couple of days!!" She never looked back...she was ready to GO, GO!! To be honest, she packed her bags on Sunday during quiet time and has been ready ever since.
Wesley did asked "wheres sissy?" several times in the car. Then when Lawson called to say she arrived at the beach safely she asked to talk to Wesley to tell him she loved him. They are so sweet!!
**Flashback** I use to go with my sister to my grandparents' home in SC every summer for almost a month! I looked forward to that month starting in January, and I have the best memories of my time there. I was fortunate that both sets of grandparents lived in the same town so I shuffled back and forth between homes. Time with Grandparents is important and my time there was truly treasured. I learned to sew, (wish I could say cook), ride the riding lawn mower, fish, garden, I watched a lot of Matlock & Price is Right, and I learned to love Braves Baseball.
I know Lawson will make wonderful memories as well!! Next time, she will have to venture up to VA to be with Nana and Dah!! Two different areas of the country, two wonderful experiences!!
Daddy's Little Helpers
Monday, August 17, 2009
My Cousins' Wedding
Last weekend I headed up to Philly for my cousin's wedding. My cousin, Owen, married a fabulous girl, Jen. They are the definition of love!! Their love for each other truly oozed from every pour of their body. It was so sweet!! It was so wonderful to be apart of their spectacular day.
Oh, I should add I went to the wedding without Collins and the kids. It was like a vacation for mommy...and I really lived it up!!! I partied until 3AM Friday night and danced the night away with my family Saturday night! I paid the price, because let's face it I am NOT 21 anymore, but it was fun trying!!
Me, Lauren and my mom...we all got the memo to wear black!
Oh, I should add I went to the wedding without Collins and the kids. It was like a vacation for mommy...and I really lived it up!!! I partied until 3AM Friday night and danced the night away with my family Saturday night! I paid the price, because let's face it I am NOT 21 anymore, but it was fun trying!!
Maridith and Lauren (Pregnant girl didn't stay up til 3AM)
Maridith and Will (he did stay up until 3AM and we hung out with my Aunt Belinda and Uncle Jeff)
The happy couple!!
Me, Lauren and my mom...we all got the memo to wear black!
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