Lawson is teaching Wesley how to color. He is an "on the go" type of guy so he colors standing up!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thankful Tuesday!
Just wanted to share some pictures with you today.
Lawson is teaching Wesley how to color. He is an "on the go" type of guy so he colors standing up!

Lawson is teaching Wesley how to color. He is an "on the go" type of guy so he colors standing up!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Happy 6 month Anniversary to ME!!
Today is my 6 month anniversary of being a SAHM. Yeah for me!! It dawned on me this morning as I was able to wake-up slowly and enjoy the birds singing in bed, that we have made it six months!! YEAH!!! When we first began this adventure on one income we really were not sure how long this stint would last, but with many, many Blessings we have made it 6 months and hope to make it for much longer.
These last 6 months have been so MUCH FUN!! I have been able to spend everyday with Lawson and Wesley and that is the greatest gift of all. There have been some hard days, some challenging days especially in the beginning, but I think we have figured each other out. Wes is sleeping through the night (can I get an, AMEN!!) which makes me SO MUCH happier. From September 30 to now he is walking, talking (kinda), happy happy happy and such a joy!! (Of course he still screams a lot but what can I say he wants his mommy & still loves to be held a lot)
Lawson only wants to please so keep her on a task and she is as good as gold. When she gets bored she is TROUBLE!! I am working hard on teaching her letters and writing her letters. It makes me feel so good to know I am partly responsible for teaching her the building blocks of learning.
I am actually not a true SAHM. I do work part-time for my old company. I am still working hard on The Other Kid with Charity, and I have another secret I haven’t shared with many of my blogging friends (and was discovered by Beth today!) I have another blog called “The Procrastinator Crafter” I started the blog in January this year. It has really been a scrapbook of all my crafts, projects and home goals. I started it to keep me motivated and it has done wonders for me. So if you would like go over there and take a look around. It has been a fun blog!!
Well, that is it from here. My hair color is done and it is time to rinse (motherhood is stressful & my body and I are fighting on what color my hair should be!!)
Have a wonderful day!!
These last 6 months have been so MUCH FUN!! I have been able to spend everyday with Lawson and Wesley and that is the greatest gift of all. There have been some hard days, some challenging days especially in the beginning, but I think we have figured each other out. Wes is sleeping through the night (can I get an, AMEN!!) which makes me SO MUCH happier. From September 30 to now he is walking, talking (kinda), happy happy happy and such a joy!! (Of course he still screams a lot but what can I say he wants his mommy & still loves to be held a lot)
Lawson only wants to please so keep her on a task and she is as good as gold. When she gets bored she is TROUBLE!! I am working hard on teaching her letters and writing her letters. It makes me feel so good to know I am partly responsible for teaching her the building blocks of learning.
I am actually not a true SAHM. I do work part-time for my old company. I am still working hard on The Other Kid with Charity, and I have another secret I haven’t shared with many of my blogging friends (and was discovered by Beth today!) I have another blog called “The Procrastinator Crafter” I started the blog in January this year. It has really been a scrapbook of all my crafts, projects and home goals. I started it to keep me motivated and it has done wonders for me. So if you would like go over there and take a look around. It has been a fun blog!!
Well, that is it from here. My hair color is done and it is time to rinse (motherhood is stressful & my body and I are fighting on what color my hair should be!!)
Have a wonderful day!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Childhood Wierdness
Everyone is just fine now!! Lawson's fever broke yesterday and she was back to her perky happy self. Wesley he has been fine since Tuesday. It does kinda worry me how much my little girl loves doctors and medicine. Yesterday before bed she said "I need medicine because I am going to get hot again" I explained that medicine was only for real sickness and she was not sick any more. Well, last night around 3AM Lawson comes into my room and says "I am hot now can I PLEASE have medicine" I am thinking "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?" Once again I tried to explain in sleep mode that she was not getting any medicine. She was not pleased and I don't do well with whiny children when I am a sleep. So what did I do...I ignored her. Finally after her midnight temper tantrum she went back into her room and went to bed. A temper tantrum for medicine...REALLY???
That is just WEIRD!!
I call it like I see it!! All yesterday she wanted to go to the doctors and I mean REALLY wanted to go. She asked if she was going to get a shot. Why would my child want a shot???
I guess it beats the alternative of a screaming child at the doctor's office and the humiliation a mother must feel, but still don't you think Lawson's behaviour is a little odd??? At least she is cute!!

That is it from here. Everyone have a great weekend!!
That is just WEIRD!!
I call it like I see it!! All yesterday she wanted to go to the doctors and I mean REALLY wanted to go. She asked if she was going to get a shot. Why would my child want a shot???
I guess it beats the alternative of a screaming child at the doctor's office and the humiliation a mother must feel, but still don't you think Lawson's behaviour is a little odd??? At least she is cute!!
That is it from here. Everyone have a great weekend!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
And Another One Bites the Dust
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Wesley's Sick Day
Yesterday, we had to make a trip to the doctors for Wesley. We have our first sickness of 2009 and his first since ear infection since he was 6 months old. Considering how long it has been I guess it was time! This string of infection causes pink eye too. Wonderful!
Have no fear today he is already feeling much better after just one dose, no more green boogies(come on,we are all adults here)! His eyes are still a little swollen but he is taking it all in stride. Plus, the 26.2 lbs baby never lost his appetite- go figure!!

Like the bib??? Compliments of his granddaddy "Dah"! Thanks, Dad!!
Have no fear today he is already feeling much better after just one dose, no more green boogies(come on,we are all adults here)! His eyes are still a little swollen but he is taking it all in stride. Plus, the 26.2 lbs baby never lost his appetite- go figure!!
Like the bib??? Compliments of his granddaddy "Dah"! Thanks, Dad!!
His favorite thing to do right now is say "da that?" and point at EVERYTHING! He wants you tell him what everything is. He doesn't repeat you just takes it all in.
Nana's Visit
Nana came in town to visit. It didn't take long for Wesley to warm up to his Nana and play peek-a-boo with her. Wes just giggles with delight!! Then the ultimate sign of 'I love you' is if he brings you a book and asks you to read to him! It is so sweet. So Wes and Nana started reading. Then Lawson had to be part of the action as well.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Collins
Yesterday was Collins birthday. On Saturday I took Collins out for dinner at a local Sushi/Hibachi place. It really worked out nicely. My mom was in town for the weekend so we were able to go out without the kids (double treat). The sushi was so good and we got to enjoy a good game of basketball without snow (no cable in the Fitts' home). It was really nice!
Then we went bowling! I haven't been bowling in years. I felt like a teenager again (except for the few muscles I found the next day). It was so much fun. We even bowled on Lane #32 I think that was a sign that #32 is going to be a lucky year for him!!
Daddy got some nice gifts. The brew master got some new brew & an Ipod. He is now part of the 21st centurty!! The kids got daddy a Sponge Bob Birthday Card. He loved it!!
You know since I am now I SAHM I did my best to live up to what the title implies (home cooking, clean house, etc). I bought him a Boston Creme Pie from Lowes. It was hard work!! I figure nothing can compete with his Grandma's Boston Creme Pie. So why compete!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Week in Review
This has been a great week. I wanted to post about a few things that happened this week that I thought were funny or I want to remember...
1. Lawson got her first gift from a "BOY" In her school bag on Tuesday was a McDonald's Spider Man Figurine from Zachary. He got it during the weekend, SAVED it UNOPENED ALL weekend for Lawson and gave it to her on Tuesday. Daddy is not very thrilled!
2. Wes loves the toilet!! Any time the toilet is open and he darts out eye sight- yep, he is playing in toilet water. NOTE TO SELF: Need to buy toilet locks!
3. Lawson asked me "Mommy, when are you going to let me change Wesley's diaper?" Like I am denying her or something. If I didn't fear for Wesley's safety I would let her.
4. Lawson is the best big sister!! (It makes my heart sing)
5. Wesley is a climber. I am afraid one day I will catch him hanging from the ceiling fan!!
6. I LOVE the adventures of motherhood!!
Have a great weekend!!
1. Lawson got her first gift from a "BOY" In her school bag on Tuesday was a McDonald's Spider Man Figurine from Zachary. He got it during the weekend, SAVED it UNOPENED ALL weekend for Lawson and gave it to her on Tuesday. Daddy is not very thrilled!
2. Wes loves the toilet!! Any time the toilet is open and he darts out eye sight- yep, he is playing in toilet water. NOTE TO SELF: Need to buy toilet locks!
3. Lawson asked me "Mommy, when are you going to let me change Wesley's diaper?" Like I am denying her or something. If I didn't fear for Wesley's safety I would let her.
4. Lawson is the best big sister!! (It makes my heart sing)
5. Wesley is a climber. I am afraid one day I will catch him hanging from the ceiling fan!!
6. I LOVE the adventures of motherhood!!
Have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2009
Here are my two little leprechauns this morning.
Also, go here if you want to do a flashback of one year ago today!!
Lastly, another walk down memory lane...15 years ago today I got my driver's license (that dates me). I will always remember that day because (1) it was on St. Patty's Day (2) how many kids do you know have to take their driver's license test in a Lincoln Towncar??? It was better then taking it in a Full-size Dodge Ram Van!! Oh memories!!
Yucky Day- Fun Solution
Monday was yet another yucky weather day. I had no desire to take two kids out for any type of outing so we made the most of the yucky weather. We had a picnic inside!! The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever to eat in the den rather then the kitchen. We did not eat anything out of the ordinary just PBJ, bananas, cheese crackers & milk, but you would of thought we went to Disney World. As soon as daddy came home Lawson told Daddy all about our 'cool' picnic.
Of course, Wes is happy anytime there is food around!! He can say "nana" for Banana. Lawson always says "Mommy he can say Nana" (I think that would make my mom very happy)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Morning at the Museum
Friday, March 13, 2009
Visit to the Dentist- Part 1
Today was our second visit to the dentist. Link to first Dentist appointment here. Lawson has been very excited about going to the dentist (she gets just as excited to go to the doctors). She was so excited this morning she asked to wear purple because she remembered the dentist loves purple too and she wanted to match!! She really has the best memory. I am thinking she is destined to be a doctor or a dentist...what do you think??
Lawson even wanted to help- so she got to hold Mr. Thirsty!! I think we should have gotten a 10% discount!! Great patient, excellent teeth and no cavities... EXCEPT...

Wes was just hanging out!! He liked all the cute hygienist and was waving and doing his best flirting with them!! All the ladies just loved him!!

One more picture of the great patient. She even got more purple gloves!!

We have a referral to see a Pediatric Dentist to start working on Lawson's finger sucking!! It is doing some damage to her palate now and we need to do something before it really costs mommy and daddy thousands of dollars too fix. Next week I will call and make an appointment. So today is Part 1 of our dentist visits. I wonder if she is going to be just as excited the next time??? Stay Tuned...
Lawson even wanted to help- so she got to hold Mr. Thirsty!! I think we should have gotten a 10% discount!! Great patient, excellent teeth and no cavities... EXCEPT...
Wes was just hanging out!! He liked all the cute hygienist and was waving and doing his best flirting with them!! All the ladies just loved him!!
One more picture of the great patient. She even got more purple gloves!!
We have a referral to see a Pediatric Dentist to start working on Lawson's finger sucking!! It is doing some damage to her palate now and we need to do something before it really costs mommy and daddy thousands of dollars too fix. Next week I will call and make an appointment. So today is Part 1 of our dentist visits. I wonder if she is going to be just as excited the next time??? Stay Tuned...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spring Fashion Addiction
I have a confession.... I currently have 2 addictions....
#1) Buying hair bows for my little girl (lots more not pictured) I really need to learn to start making these things. I love them all!!! Have you noticed most days Miss L is wearing a hair bow? This is the one thing we can seem to agree on!

Does it really get any cuter??
#1) Buying hair bows for my little girl (lots more not pictured) I really need to learn to start making these things. I love them all!!! Have you noticed most days Miss L is wearing a hair bow? This is the one thing we can seem to agree on!
#2 Buying my son clothes!! Who says boy clothes aren't as fun as girl's clothes?? Every time I turn around I am buying clothes for Wesley not Lawson?? Maybe because this is really my first time buying him clothes (thanks to a very generous friend & family), or because I love preppy little boy clothes, or because my daughter has sense of fashion all her own. Whatever the reason I am loving the spring/summer clothes for boys. I have also bought some adorable rompers for him and we have lots of Collins' old rompers for the summer. He truly is going to be one the best dressed little boy this summer!!!
Does it really get any cuter??
Have no fear Lawson will have clothes this summer. I am actually making some of them. The outfits that are seer sucker or plaid- Guess who is going to have matching shorts??? You guessed it my little man!! I love it when a boy and a girl have coordinating outfits. Maybe I will make me a matching skirt....okay that is really "cheesy" I will stick with just the kids!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Slight Miscommunication
At night Wesley has become a big reader (in the sense that he likes being read too). His favorite book is Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes Hardback version. Any other book I try to read is quickly tossed to the floor. I could read this book 100 times at night and Wes would want more. So I take this opportunity to instill the sign language for "more" and "please."

For "More" you take your hands together like pictured and bring together
(sorry for picture, best I could find)
For "please" it is like pictured.

Easy enough right?
Wesley seemed to master both of these motions and it purpose. However, when he wants more books he says "more" correctly, then for "please" he rubs my chest!! TOTALLY CRACKS ME UP!!! Just a slight miscommunication- or he is really trying to work me!!
Had to post a picture of my little guy after a picture of some stranger!!
Another Day at the Park
Went to another local park today. Lawson really wanted to stay home today because her baby doll was sick. After a little bit of compromising we were off to the park.
Notice 2 things in this picture...(1) choice of clothes (2) Baby dolls came with us for some "fresh air" I bet you are wondering what I won? We went to the park with no fussing or crying.

Lawson and her baby dolls. To prove to me how sick her baby doll was the rabbit "threw-up", then we had to take her temp, give her a cold cloth, and then we had to take her to the doctors. Not at the house doctor or at the park doctor, but had to stop at another facility (empty house in the neighborhood) get out have the "doctor" (me) check up on her, and give Lawson a bill. It was a very busy day!!

LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! Hi Little Guy!!

Lawson and Wesley having fun!!

Notice 2 things in this picture...(1) choice of clothes (2) Baby dolls came with us for some "fresh air" I bet you are wondering what I won? We went to the park with no fussing or crying.
Lawson and her baby dolls. To prove to me how sick her baby doll was the rabbit "threw-up", then we had to take her temp, give her a cold cloth, and then we had to take her to the doctors. Not at the house doctor or at the park doctor, but had to stop at another facility (empty house in the neighborhood) get out have the "doctor" (me) check up on her, and give Lawson a bill. It was a very busy day!!
LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! Hi Little Guy!!
Lawson and Wesley having fun!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wonderful Weekend Outside
Since last Friday we have spent almost every waking moment outside. It has been WONDERFUL!! 80 degrees, no humidity, PERFECT!! Here are some pictures over the last 3 days. It has been nice not having to carry Wesley every where or worry about him crawling outside, however, we have another issue...he is all BOY!! He doesn't walk he RUNS everywhere. Wesley has little boy knees now with nice little scrapes. I realized this weekend we have no little boy bandaids only Princess, Hello Kitty, or My Little Pony band-aids. So Wes is sporting Hello Kitty Band-aids right now. Oh the drama of being a little brother to a very girly girl!!

Wes and Lawson. Lawson thrilled to be the driver of course Wes would have it the other way if he could!!

Now this is fun!!

Wesley and Chewy really bonded this weekend

A happy little boy!

He looked so cute in his basketball shorts!! He is wearing a bib because he is drueling lots again! MORE TEETH!! Check out his shirt above.

Sunday... Lawson being ever so helpful again

Chewy and Wesley playing ball

He shoots.....he scores.... March Madness has begun!
Well, today we are off to another park. Yippee!! I wonder when Pullen Park's rides opens? I love this time of year and feel so blessed to home with the kids to enjoy this time with them.
Friday we met up with the Spesshardt's and the Lails at a local park. The kids and mom's as normal had so much fun!!
So here is my girly girl!!

Wesley was wide open and this park was wonderful because her really didn't need much assistance from me (although I promise I was with him every step of the way whether he wanted me there or not)
Wesley was wide open and this park was wonderful because her really didn't need much assistance from me (although I promise I was with him every step of the way whether he wanted me there or not)
Wes and Lawson. Lawson thrilled to be the driver of course Wes would have it the other way if he could!!
Now this is fun!!
This is Lawson telling me " Mommy don't take pictures of me I don't look cute"
Wesley and Chewy really bonded this weekend
A happy little boy!
He looked so cute in his basketball shorts!! He is wearing a bib because he is drueling lots again! MORE TEETH!! Check out his shirt above.
Sunday... Lawson being ever so helpful again
Chewy and Wesley playing ball
He shoots.....he scores.... March Madness has begun!
I do not want this time to pass to quickly, but I really look forward to the day to watch my little boy (and girl) play basketball!! {giddy}
Well, today we are off to another park. Yippee!! I wonder when Pullen Park's rides opens? I love this time of year and feel so blessed to home with the kids to enjoy this time with them.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It's a Bird, It's a Plane....
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Mr Independent
My little guy is now showing more and more signs of Independence. I feel like if he could say "where are the car keys" he would. I am pleased with his sudden need of independence it just makes me a tad sad at the same time. Here are some examples of what he is up to these days.
1- Eating on his own. I am a slight control freak and have enjoyed the days of little messes because I can spoon feed him. NOT ANY MORE!! He is starting to demand to eat on his own. He can even use a spoon to feed himself yogurt.
2- Opening doors. Yep, he knows all the doors that don't close properly and can open most of them!
3- I tell him "time to get in our high chair" he walks right on over and waits for me. Same with "Let's change our diaper" he waits for me at the changing table or "Let's take a bath" he walks right into the bathroom- no assistance needed from mommy (sniff sniff)
4- Today he asked for some grapes. So I cut them up and put them in a bowl. Not thinking (all the way through) which child I was giving these to I handed him the bowl in the middle of the kitchen. By the time I realized I had not handed them to Lawson, Wes had walked with the bowl to the den (without spilling). Sat the bowl on the floor, sat himself down and was eating his snack like a big boy!! Luckily he sat there long enough for me to get a picture.
(I think I should of called him Shoeless Joe, he is always missing a shoe or sock)
I guess that is it for now. I just wanted to document these moments, because before I know it he will be asking for the car keys and I want to remember this time when he was just starting to get his independence!
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