Friday, November 30, 2012

I have to capture some of the cute and precious things coming out of my sweet little boys mouth these days. He is growing up too fast and I need to capture it before innocence is gone!!!

1. Lawson and Cailyn were playing together and Wesley walks in the room and says "mommy, I want you to lay another baby and this time it has to be a boy!!" I am still laughing over that one!!!

2. Today Wesley and Collins are going on their first boy's weekend to the beach. He was all buckled up in the car and had given me kisses and he says "mommy, be sure you pray for us".

Oh, I love this little boy!!! Here is Wesley in front of his Christmas tree he decorated for his room. Of course, he has mentioned multiple times his tree is not as big as Lawson's and now Cailyn needs this tree, but besides that fact he loves his little tree!!

Location:Wesley Talk

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