Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'll give you a quarter!

Last night brought back a flood of memories as my daughter rubbed my feet!! I didn't even ask her to she wanted to pamper her mommy! My mother would offer us kids a quarter if we would rub her feet. I personally would get suckered in every time. I had motive, back then a quarter could get you 2 Airheads and 5 pieces of bubble gum from the corner drug store. I am referring to an old drug store in Lebanon, IL! What a great place.

Lawson actually did a great job and I didn't have to give her a quarter! Once she wises up I am sure I will have to offer her a dollar!

1 comment:

Donna Wright said...

"Aunt Donna will pay much more than a quarter for a foot rub, Lawson!!"