Monday, August 1, 2011

Lawson’s First Day in the 1st Grade

The day has arrived and I have a 1st grader.  How did that happen??? I swear yesterday she was 2.  Okay, I lied 4….

Lawson has been very excited about her first day in the 1st grade for a while now, me I am slowly warming up to it!!

A little school update…We have decided to pull Lawson out of the Magnet school she attended last year and attend out base school this year.  There were lots of factors in making this decision in no particular order 1) gas prices 2) school reputation 3) our comfort level.  As comfortable as we were with this decision we really thought the transition was going to be hard on Lawson.  We were wrong.  She looked forward to the new start and when we went to the open house last week she got even more excited. 

To celebrate Lawson’s first day of school I made her a special breakfast.


I asked Lawson how she felt about her first day of school and she says “Yippee!!”


Here is Lawson 1st day in the First Grade official picture.  She looks so mature to me!!  Thanks Nana and Dah for the beautiful outfit.  She looked beautiful!

Lawson's First Day of First Grade

Gee wiz, here are the two older kids.  Do NOT tell Wesley to smile.  It really isn’t worth it…

Lawson and Wesley

Me and my kiddos. 

Mommy and Kids Aug 1st

We arrived at the school a little late but not tardy (Cailyn had a poopy that needed attending to in the parking lot).

Lawson putting up her backpack.


Cailyn was a little sad sissy was leaving…


Lawson was a little shy when we got there and her earlier enthusiasm quickly disappeared. She did not want us to leave.  


I did get a sweet smile right before I left.  Wow, I am so proud of my baby girl. 


1st Day Report:  Lawson had a good day.  She did not fully understand carpool line directions so she was flustered at the end of the day, but all in all she had a good day. 

My prayer is that this school is a good fit for Lawson and for us. 

1 comment:

Heather said...

She looks so grown up and beautiful! Happy to hear that she had a good day.

*I completely understand her frustration/confusion at carpool instructions. I'm already nervous about that part, too!