Monday, March 10, 2008


I have never been a big fan of chores but none bother me more then laundry. I HATE LAUNDRY. It never ends. I think that if I were to ever be a millionaire I would immediately hire someone to do my laundry. I am just venting because yesterday I did 5 loads and today I still have 3-4 more loads to go. Tonight all of laundry baskets will be empty but I know that will be short lived, because bed time will roll around and the baskets will be full once agian!!! I know it is the same in everyone's household but for some odd reason today it just really got to me. Gotta go I just heard the buzzer to the dryer.


CharGrill said...

If i were there, I'd do your laudry for you!! I actually enjoy doing it - i know, i'm crazy. If i had three others to take care of, I might not. But while it's just me and jason, there is just something about doing it that I like. I'm weird, I know. Same with cleaning and organizing things - love it.

Maridith said...

Charlotte- you are welcome here anytime!! Love ya!

Elizabeth said...

I'll do your laundry if you'll clean my bathrooms and mop!