Friday, October 16, 2009

Computer Time for the Kids

You can never start too early...

We set up Lawson's Leap Frog Computer again, and Wesley wanted a part of the action too. Since Lawson's keyboard is wireless (very high tech), Collins made Wesley's keyboard "Wireless" too.

Wesley's keyboard is an old keyboard. He thinks he is playing too!!

Somewhere in all these toys is two kids playing on the computer! I swear!

And yes, the "fort" is still in the playroom!! Maybe it will be gone by Christmas!


Lauren said...

A wireless keyboard! That's awesome. I wish I had one too. Also, Wesley is going to catch on at some point.

Lawson's socks are great. I used to mix'n match my socks at her age too.

Lauren said...

Are those stickers on Wesley's back? Were they so kindly given to him per Lawson?

Avery & Hailey said...

hilarious. I love that idea...very clever!