Saturday, June 7, 2008

Do you smell that?

No- I am not talking about that type of smell. I am talking about the smell that triggers a rush of memories. Good or bad. This weekend I had one of those moments that brought back a flood of memories. I was ironing (this is a shock unto itself) an outfit that was once Collins’ as a child and now Wes was wearing for pictures. As I was ironing the smell of Collins grandparent’s house overcame my senses. As I sat there ironing this adorable outfit I remembered Fitts, his grandma. Although she never saw Collins and I marry she quickly accepted me as if I was her grand-daughter. Fitts made lots of outfits for Collins and Taylor and now my Little Boy can wear some of them. These outfits are 30 years old and look brand new. Thank you Grammy for keeping these clothes safe from hurricanes, house moves, and purges. I am so happy that these clothes can be passed down to my little boy. It is amazing to me that after lots of washings these clothes can still smell like a household that has been gone for many years.

Isn't the sense of smell an amazing thing? A scent can come from anything and then can trigger a memory or memories. What a wonderful gift. As I was writing this I thought of some other smells that I love!! These are in no particular order…

- My babies' smell. Oh I love that smell and wish I could bottle it up!
- Hubby’s smell. They say if you were given 30 white t-shirts and one of them were your husbands you would be able to pick it out. I think I could!
- Grandmommy’s Royal Secrets- Several years back she gave me a bottle of Royal Secrets and though I have never worn it myself but I do open it up and smell it every once in awhile. I miss you Grandmommy!! I hope to see you soon.
- Basketball gyms! I love the smell of sweat, leather, & varnish. Don’t ask me why but I love it

Tell me about a smell that brings back lots of wonderful memories for you??


Elizabeth said...

Love this post! I love the smell of spaghetti sauce cooking on the stove and bread cooking in the oven...reminds me of growing up when I hated having to eat homemade wholewheat bread that now I'd love to have and the hours spent straining and pureeing tomatoes on summer days.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you can enjoy the clothes my dear mother-in-law we all called, Fitts, made for her grandsons. I cherished them because she made them with love. She so enjoyed watching Collins and Taylor wear something she had made. I was careful to save them for my grandchildren! When a hurricane comes, those clothes were always packed first! I miss her so much. She would be so proud of you Mardith as you take such good care of her great grandchildren and her only great grandson. She loved you very much and said it often. G

Anonymous said...

The smell of your grandchild's spit it is the same as when you held her daddy when he was a baby!! The memories come back as if it were only yesterday! Maridith, you have no idea how much I am enjoying your site! It is time for Wes to come to the lake!! Crib is waiting! Lawson needs to make biscuits again!
Love you,