Friday, April 10, 2009

Boy (noun) = a noise with dirt on it

My good friend Heather (mother of two boys) just recently painted a chair that says "Boys (noun)=a noise with dirt on it." I really didn't understand that saying completely until I realized how much DIRT/MESS I clean up because of my 1 little boy. Stay with me...

My little man's day...

Morning:Wakes up in the morning completely covered in pee (not all mornings)
Meals: Takes his food and individually squishes it with his finger then brushes it on the floor. Then to complete his meal he tips over his drink and shakes it vigorously, then points at the floor/highchair and says (uhh, uhhh). Then any food he doesn't want to eat he stashes it to the right of him IN his high chair. Like I won't notice or something!!

Playtime: Rips any paper that he comes in contact with. Ultimate Fun is dumping out the entire toy box, blocks, kitchen drawers and walking away so the tornado "Wes" can continue to destroy anything in his path. Picking up rocks and dirt, throwing sand, and scrapping knees sums it up the rest.
Nap time:Takes his blankets, paci, & socks and throws them as FAR as POSSIBLE
Then throw in...the mad dashes to open up toilets to have "splash time," removing keys off my laptop, & turning the TV on and off.

Then today he did this... I just threw up my hands and gave up!! Yes, he is eating off the floor!

You are probably wondering why he isn't wearing a shirt. Good Question. I was fixing him a sippy cup of water, put the glass on the counter to look for a lid, and little guy decided he couldn't wait for the lid. So... He got a little bath and yet another mess to clean up. (Thank goodness it was just water)

Then good news is little guy likes to clean. I got out the vacuum and little guy grabbed the broom for me!! He might be messy but he is my little mess!!! Love you, buddy!!

No wonder I am so tired at night!!!


Unknown said...

I love it! This is so funny! Sorry Maridith, but it is just so cute!


Jennifer said...

I'm glad today is a new day...aren't you!? I guess it doesn't help that we were talking on the phone together when Wes did some of this huh? Glad you took a picture of him and the gold cute!