Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Family

I had something else written here but I started crying and couldn’t complete it- so I erased it.  I guess my emotions are still everywhere.  Why was I crying? I was thinking about my siblings, my parents, my husband and my kids.  Although there are something's I will NEVER understand and still grieve over, I am reminded of how many blessings surround me.  Here are a few of my many blessings.

I have a wonderful devoted husband who means the absolute world to me.  When I see him playing with our kids I feel like my heart is going to pop out of my chest because I am so happy and in love.  He is a loving, fun, yet stern daddy.  He is my partner for life and I love him with all my heart!! 


Lawson my oldest daughter who is a cookie cutter image of me (scary!) and tests me like no other but has a heart of gold.  She is so smart, so observant and loves to be your helping hand. She is such an excellent big sister and takes her role very seriously. 


Wesley, yes he is a momma’s boy but he is daddy’s buddy.  Wesley is a free spirit!  He is so full of life!  He is rough and tough but has soft heart. I love my Wes-Wes hugs.  Wesley is a protective older brother and can not pass Cailyn without giving her a kiss. 


Last but not least Happy Cailyn.  She is just perfect as my happy 7 week old.  I have no idea what type of personality she will have but right now she is easy going and happy!  She goes with the flow rather then going against it.  She has fit perfectly into our family and it is amazing how I can no longer remember life without her.


I love being a wife to Collins and a mom to these 3 terrific kids.  Okay, I am crying again…

Thank you God for my beautiful family!

1 comment:

CharGrill said...

Maridith, this is so sweet, it brings tears to my eyes too :) You are very blessed - we all are and take it for granted every day. Thanks for reminding me to also be very thankful for all that I have. It makes me even more excited to think about what is coming in our future, too. You are a dear friend, warm person, and kind soul to everyone that knows you. I miss you very much - it's nice to be able to see you every day through your blog.
With tears of happiness for you,