Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mr Independent

My little guy is now showing more and more signs of Independence. I feel like if he could say "where are the car keys" he would. I am pleased with his sudden need of independence it just makes me a tad sad at the same time. Here are some examples of what he is up to these days.

1- Eating on his own. I am a slight control freak and have enjoyed the days of little messes because I can spoon feed him. NOT ANY MORE!! He is starting to demand to eat on his own. He can even use a spoon to feed himself yogurt.
2- Opening doors. Yep, he knows all the doors that don't close properly and can open most of them!

3- I tell him "time to get in our high chair" he walks right on over and waits for me. Same with "Let's change our diaper" he waits for me at the changing table or "Let's take a bath" he walks right into the bathroom- no assistance needed from mommy (sniff sniff)

4- Today he asked for some grapes. So I cut them up and put them in a bowl. Not thinking (all the way through) which child I was giving these to I handed him the bowl in the middle of the kitchen. By the time I realized I had not handed them to Lawson, Wes had walked with the bowl to the den (without spilling). Sat the bowl on the floor, sat himself down and was eating his snack like a big boy!! Luckily he sat there long enough for me to get a picture.
(I think I should of called him Shoeless Joe, he is always missing a shoe or sock)

I guess that is it for now. I just wanted to document these moments, because before I know it he will be asking for the car keys and I want to remember this time when he was just starting to get his independence!


Jennifer said...

They grow up way too fast. He is definitely becoming a big boy! Next he will be driving and dating! It will be here before we know it. :)

Elizabeth said...

They do grow up fast and the milestones are fun and sad at the same time. It's just a shame that the listening and following directions doesn't last!

Unknown said...

You are doing a great job documenting the events in your children's lives. Wes is just so cute!

Anonymous said...

Obviously Lawson was at school or she would have tried to take the bowl from him. Wes would have pulled back. The bowl (and grapes) would be on the floor, and he would be screaming. Yeah for school!

Love Dad

Maridith said...

Haha!! I got caught!! Lawson was in school and I was busy doing too many things and not paying attention 100%. Thanks Dad for calling me out!! You are right that is about how it would of gone down had she been here!! Yeah for school!!

Avery & Hailey said...

I love his little sweater. Cutie!