Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Party at the ER

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda! Those words kept on going through my head as Wesley and I waited in the ER for 3 hours to be seen! 

Coulda, waited 2 more seconds to check on Lawson upstairs

Woulda been with Wesley as he went bolting into the bathroom

Shoulda known nothing is EVER easy!!

Let me recap: 

Saturday evening I had just gotten off the phone with Collins as he was on the way home from hunting.  Wesley was downstairs and Lawson was upstairs.  I hadn't heard anything from Lawson in about 15 minutes so I was going to go up and check on her.  I was 2 steps up the stairs and I heard Wesley running to the bathroom saying "I gotta go potty" and bolting to the bathroom as I rounded the door I saw Wesley fall right onto the toilet...chin first.  At first, I didn't see any blood but he was SCREAMING so I reluctantly check his teeth, (I HATE TEETH, God help me when Lawson and Wesley start losing their baby teeth.)   Check, all teeth are attached.  Then I see blood.  CRAP! Where is this coming from?  Wesley touches his chin and then I see the 1.5" slit about 1cm wide.  DOUBLE CRAP!  This all happened within seconds!  I get Wesley some ice and try to decide what to do.  I have him on the counter and he starts crying even harder and says "I wet my pants."  Poor Guy! 

I called Collins, I call my neighbor and off we went to the ER.  5:30-9:15PM we waited and waited!! No dinner...just 3 packages of gummies, a bottle water, and 1/2 cup of milk in a sippy cup.  It turned out to be the busiest day in the ER for like 6 months.  Can you say "Party in the ER?"  Here he is waiting... He was awesome the whole time and never once cried.  Made me think a couple of times "Why are we here?"
FINALLY, we were called and we saw the same ER Dr we saw previously.  He recognized us right away.  Not cool!  He joked if he was becoming our private doctor.  I like him but not funny!

Wesley did need stitches, 6 to be exact.  He did a great job as they had to wrap him like a burrito.  He said to the nurse "That tight...um...I stuck"  It wasn't until he got the shots that he started screaming/crying.  I will be honest I started crying too....that is my baby boy!!  To help sooth him I did sing "Bob the Builder" song and he would stop to listen and say "I like that song." Surprisingly, when it was all said and done he smiled at the nurse (bribed him with an orange popsicle) and gave the doctor a high five. 10PM we were in the car. Wesley was quiet and exhausted and said "I go home...I hurt my head." 

All the nurses and doctor told me this accident may hinder his potty training. I decided to let him tell us if he was willing to continue. Sunday was little rough but Monday we were back on track with no accidents. 

Wesley, you are my big brave boy!!! I am SO PROUD of you!


Bates family said...

Oh that poor boy!! At least he didn't loose any teeth! I know Lauren told you about Carson's tooth "accident," we're lucky that it's finally back in! :)

Heather said...

Oh, no! Poor Wesley! Glad to hear that he is feeling better and back on track. I didn't even notice his "boo-boo" this morning at MOPPETS! What a trooper!

Andrew, Zachary and Will's Mommy said...

Glad to hear his teeth weren't damaged. What a trooper to endure stitches and such. Glad he didn't let the incident keep him from potty training.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Wesley but MAN….stitches… I hope he is ok. What a tough guy!


Lauren said...

Oh Wesley! I'm so sorry! He's "the man" so I'm not suprised that he was such a brave boy. I'm glad that this incident didn't slow down his potty training.

Jennifer said...

Brave boy...so glad he is o.k.!

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness...poor little guy!

Unknown said...

What a day! Glad Wes is Ok and hope he is feeling better soon. He's such a trooper1