Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wesley's 6 month Check-up

My baby boy is growing, growing, growing...

Here are his stats
Weight- 18lb 15.5 oz - 75%
Height- 27" - 75%
Head- 43cm- 50%
He's had these same percentages since day one. He is growing right on track!!

He got three shots and cried like they all do. But it was funny- He kept on watching the nurse while I was holding him trying to sooth him and his expression was as if he was saying I am going to remember you- you are evil! Then all of a sudden she made eye contact with him and he gave her the biggest smile as if saying It is okay - I forgive you for hurting me like that! The nurse said she hardly ever gets smiles from crying babies and it made her day.

What we are up to these days..
  • Mommy has given up on the car carrier. It weighs too much now. Since technically he still fits in it I haven't exchanged it out for the next level.

  • He LOVES food and can't get enough- he is not picky at all

  • Sitting up - reaching and putting everything in his mouth

  • He is starting to really rock on his knees to get ready to crawl. I suspect by 7/8 months he will be crawling

  • Still not sleeping thru the night- Grrrrr!

  • Mommy is going to quit nursing - (mommy wants mexican!)

  • He is getting his second tooth on the bottom. Lots of pain this time!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Time sure has gone by fast! You were right on with your weight guess.